The best ways to save money

By taking small steps to change our spending and saving habits, we will find ourselves on the path to financial freedom sooner than we thought possible.

The following is a list of ways you can save in a variety of areas.

1) Get rid of credit card debt. Making this a priority saves you from wasting your money by paying penalty interest rates in the range of 15 to 24 percent depending on your country and bank. This type of interest really slows down how quickly you can regain access to your money, as most people try to nibble on debt by making minimum payments instead of taking a hefty bite and eliminating debt over a longer period of time. short. In most cases, interest is charged daily, so especially in this case, time equals money…your money goes to the bank.

2) Avoid bank commissions. Banks charge fees for every possible transaction. This is how they make their money and there is no way to individually fight the system, but this does not mean you have to make it easy for them to take your money. When you open an account, find out all applicable fees and then make a conscious effort to avoid them. For example, if you are only allowed 10 free withdrawals, try consolidating your withdrawals so that you are not charged. Also avoid using ATMs from other banks, as there is always a fee associated with it.

3) Cut your phone bill in half. Many times this is possible if you take the time to properly research your current plan and switch to one that better suits your needs. Maybe they are charging you more per minute because you constantly exceed the minutes allotted in your package and by increasing your package you save in the long run. You may need to change your phone company if your research reveals that there is a better provider. Maybe you can start paying as you go if you never use all your minutes. Whatever your situation, you can find a way to save.

4) Stop buying bottled water. This is a colossal waste of money. You pay city taxes to keep the water running freely from your taps, and then you go to the grocery store to pay the bottled water company for the same water. Not only does this not make financial sense, but it destroys the environment in the process. Buy a reusable water bottle and a water filter for your faucet and fill your water from home.

5) Skip the morning latte. This little sacrifice really adds up. Now, coffee addicts everywhere (including me) consider this a necessity in combination with piped water and electricity, so of course the suggestion here is not to cut back on caffeine, but simply Prepare the infusion at home and take it with you in a reusable container. hotter cup to save a penny at the end of the month.

6) Never shop for groceries without a list. Going to the supermarket without a predetermined plan is like going into combat without armor. Just avoid this at all costs. Even with a list, it takes discipline to avoid things you know you don’t need, so not having a list is asking for trouble.

7) Choose the store brand product. Often your supermarket has a store brand that is cheaper than the other major brand options. Try using no-brand or store-brand items, like peas and beans, to save some money. Who cares if you have Bush baked beans or Heinz ketchup? Often the difference in quality is not even noticeable.

8) Find cheaper ways to entertain yourself. Try going to the matinee show at the theater, or team up with a group of friends to take turns hosting movie night at home. Host a BYOB (bring your own beer) party instead of hitting the bars on the weekend.

9) Re-evaluate your cable package. Chances are you don’t need all the channels you currently have. It is even possible to watch full episodes of network TV on the Internet for free. If you have a cable to connect your laptop or PC to your TV, you can even experience it just like the real thing.

10) Shared car. This saves gas and reduces wear and tear on your vehicle.

The hardest part of saving is taking the first step. As soon as the rewards of his new way of thinking begin to pay off, he will be motivated to continue his efforts. Before you know it, you would have changed your life, just starting with these little suggestions.

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