Learn how to release tension in your body through meditation

We all have stress tension in our daily lives within our physical form. Sometimes, we just need a reset and take a much-needed break from the craziness of life. Holding tension can not only be uncomfortable and restrictive for our muscles, but sometimes your body tries to let you know it’s time to rest by displaying daily aches and pains. As we get older, we may attribute these aches and pains to the mere fact that we’re getting older, saying things like, “The body isn’t as young as it used to be.”

While that statement may be very true, this is not the case at all. Especially when you read about these people in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and even 80s now taking their fitness to a whole new level and getting in the best shape of their lives. Don’t kid yourself… these daily aches and pains are your body’s way of telling you to take notice and take time to reset. If you keep ignoring it, you’ll soon be wishing you hadn’t.

One way to release tension within your body is to simply meditate. Meditation is simply uniting the mind, body and spirit! The time for self-love and healing will make everything different in your physical body, as well as your emotional self. You will find that you are clearer and more focused, grounded and centered. You may even find that you sleep better just by taking a little time to calm down that chatter.

These are just a few of the many benefits of mediation: Helps with chronic inflammation, Helps with digestion, Helps with mental stability, Helps overcome OCD, Alleviates PTSD, Helps with eating disorders, substance abuse, increases mental clarity and improves concentration, promotes heart healthy living, reduces anxiety symptoms, along with many more increased health and wellness benefits.

I conduct weekly guided meditation sessions at The Salt Hut in Oxford, Pennsylvania, and have also created numerous electronic guided meditations for those who are not in my area. These meditations are created to the music of my Crystal Chakra Singing Bowls to promote healing and attunement of the Chakras with sound.

Each mediation is very different with a different goal in mind. Some are very basic relaxation techniques through meditation and others are for those seeking a deeper level of healing and guidance in their life journey and healing themselves, finding their higher purpose in life, receiving intuition. from your higher self or meeting your guides. There is a taste for meditation beginners as well as those who have been meditating for some time.

I have recorded two specific one hour meditations for the body and the release of tension. The first meditation for the body is called the body scan. It’s a simple scan of your entire body to release tension where it’s stored. This meditation allows you to experience and feel your entire body deeply. It will help you become aware of the parts of your body that have the most tension and will guide you to release it.

The second body mediation is called Talk to Your Body: Ask It to Return to Perfect Health. This meditation guides you to speak to your unconscious mind in reprogramming every part of the body, every system, organ, muscle, and cell. Just as you use affirmations to recondition your thoughts, you can speak to your unconscious mind and tell it exactly how it should function according to your needs.

I particularly like this one, because they guide you through using it for your body’s specific needs. As an example, if you have a terrible memory like mine, you can speak to your unconscious mind, letting it know that its brain memory should be working perfectly. Or in the case of a medical problem, you would reprogram your mind and body to know exactly how it should function.

Oh, the power of mediation. If we all took the much-needed time to reset and heal the way our bodies were designed, we would all be so much healthier. Imagine what more you could achieve in your life if you stopped every day long enough to practice some self-love. Aren’t you worth it?

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