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Going to an exam can be stressful. With a lot of work and little time, students often feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and dread final exam season. Guess what, though: it doesn’t have to be that way. Exams, when prepared in advance and according to the recommendations of reliable sources, will not be so scary after all. I will guide you step by step through the process of preparing properly for the finals so that you can follow along and relax during this stressful time.

First of all, I recommend starting early. Yes, this may sound boring. But it is in your best interest to start preparing for an exam early. Try to spread the preparation process throughout the week and study only a little at a time. Not only can you memorize more facts and information this way, but you also avoid emotional burnout.

Second, you need to find a partner to study with. Preparing for the test with your best friend is a great way to turn studying into a fun activity. But even more than that, you will be accountable to someone and that will keep you going even if you feel like giving up entirely.

Also, you need to eat healthy. Yes, I knew you would like this tip. Healthy food increases your brain activity and increases your capacity. Therefore, walnuts, avocados, blueberries, dark chocolate, and salmon should be your go-tos for a snack.
Opt for proper brain snacks instead of junk food that you eat from time to time. Plan your meals ahead of time and always carry them with you so that when you feel like taking a break and snacking, you’re not tempted to eat junk.

Finally, remember to take breaks and get plenty of sleep. You should never sacrifice healthy sleep to study. If you have to burn the midnight oil, it means you started too late, did not organize your time very well, or did not plan your preparation well.

I promise you’ll see that exams don’t have to be stressful. Especially if you plan your time, find a partner to study with and take good care of your health. These tips worked wonders for me, and I’m sure you’ll find them satisfying too. Will you give them a chance?

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