How to Get a Fight Club Body Like Brad Pitt’s

Getting a fight club body like Brad Pitt really isn’t that hard.

Yes, you may not have the same genetics, however you can get your best body. In this article we will discuss your diet and exercise routine. When you first look at Brad Pitt, what do you see?

Well, here’s what you don’t see: You don’t see a bloated body on steroids like many of today’s professional bodybuilders. What you see is more of a slim fitness model body. The type of body you might see in an MMA fighter or a special forces soldier.

What I mean by that is that “Brad Pitt’s body” is not oversized but rather muscular… but defined.

Now, before I go any further, let me make one point clear: You can build a fight club body like Brad Pitt’s without going to the gym. The reason I bring this up is because about 78% of the population don’t have time to go to a gym.

All you’ll need to do this workout is a set of resistance bands, adjustable dumbbells, or an isometric/isotonic exerciser.

Brad Pitt’s training schedule

Brad’s training schedule was as follows:

Monday: chest muscles

Tuesday: back muscles

Wednesday: shoulder muscles

Thursday: biceps and triceps muscles

Friday: one hour on the treadmill

Saturday: one hour on the treadmill

Sunday: rest day

Exercises for a fight club body

Here is an example of the exercises you can use for your Monday chest workout:

Incline Chest Press: Pre-fatigue your chest with this great exercise. Also, building your upper pectoral muscles will give your chest a fuller, higher appearance.

Bench Press – You want to perform this exercise with a shoulder grip if you are using a barbell. I prefer to use resistance bands because it gives you “dynamic resistance”. Dynamic resistance means that as the exercise begins the level of tension or resistance increases.

Pec Deck/Dumbbell Flyes/Resistance Band Flyes: This exercise will target the outer pectoral muscles. (It’s best if you have a set of resistance bands that comes with a door hook, this will make all of these exercises much easier to perform.)

Push-ups: You will finish your training by doing three sets of as many push-ups as you can. This will break down the chest muscle and cause it to “burn.”

Try this “Fight Club Workout” and you’ll find your chest…within 30 days…easily adding an extra inch of lean, defined muscle.

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