Wooden toy boxes and other heirloom gifts for children

This holiday season, consider giving a family-quality gift to the special child or children in your life instead of the usual electronic game or toy. While games and gadgets can be fun for a while, they quickly lose their appeal as kids move on to the next great toy or game. Give them a gift that combines the practical with the beautiful, like a personalized wooden toy box just for them.

Heirloom gifts used to be a tradition in most families, and grandparents often gave a gift of lasting value to their grandchildren that would be kept in the family and passed down. It is a wonderful tradition that is gaining popularity again. If you want to make a gift that will stand the test of time, consider these ideas:

Wooden Toy Chests Are Versatile And Stylish

Both boys and girls will appreciate handmade or laser-engraved wooden toy boxes. Look for premium construction and thoughtful details like security hinges. Furniture-grade toy boxes use hardwoods like oak or cherry to last for years and can withstand the wear and tear of toys being dragged in and out. Personalized touches can include your child’s name engraved in a decorative font, the alphabet in whimsical letters, or a special message from you.

Wooden toy boxes or toy chests are versatile gifts because they can be used as storage chests or blankets when the child is older. They can take it to their first home and use it as a traditional “hope chest” to store bedding, treasured keepsakes, or quilts. In time, a handmade toy chest may be used by the next generation, who will love using their parent’s or grandparent’s chest as their own.

Fine jewelry will be passed down to the next generation

Engraved jewelry is another beautiful heirloom gifting tradition. Little girls can receive a small gold cross for their first communion, as fine jewelry is always in style for boys. A locket engraved with an image of the gift giver will be cherished by the girl in her life. Birthstone earrings or a birthstone ring also make wonderful gifts that will be passed down after years of being proudly worn on special occasions. For a young child, she may want to purchase an ID bracelet with her name on one side and a short message on the back.

Furniture quality toys often become family heirlooms. A hand-carved rocking horse that is beautifully painted will be a hit with any young child. Years later, that same rocking horse will be used by children and grandchildren. Look for rocking horses with premium wool or cotton yarn manes and tails and a smoothly sanded wood finish for comfort and beauty.

Make or buy heirloom quality gifts

If you want to make a beautiful and warm gift, a handmade quilt is a great option, especially if the child is redecorating his room. If you’re good at quilting yourself, you can create a unique piece of art. If not, choose your fabrics and design the quilt on paper, then hire a professional to make it for you. You can even embroider or sew a special message on the quilt. Years from now, the grown child will read your words and smile.

Not all of us are carpenters or quilt weavers. If you want truly traditional quality gifts, you will need to find craftsmen who can create a quilt, rocking horse or wooden toy box for you that is beautifully constructed and finished. There are many crafters online who can create the perfect gift for you and personalize it this holiday season.

There are many gifts for children that can become family heirlooms. The key is to choose a gift that is versatile, well made, and will stand the test of time. From wooden toy boxes to quilts, the perfect gift is one your child will fall in love with and keep for years to come.

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