What Causes a Chronic Sinus Infection? Nurse’s Guide

If you have been suffering for several days or several weeks from some symptoms that you think are symptoms of a sinus infection or you are not sure, you may be wondering if you have a chronic sinus infection. When the lining of the sinus cavities becomes inflamed, regardless of the cause, the condition is called sinusitis. Sinusitis can include having an infection because if you have a sinus infection you also have sinusitis. If you have a one-time sinus infection, it is usually called an acute infection. But if you have an infection that persists over and over and just doesn’t seem to want to go away no matter what you do, you may have a chronic infection. Having regular sinus attacks that are acute can turn into chronic sinusitis.

Your infection can be brought on by many different causes, including exposure to dust, sawdust, house dust, mold or mildew, pollen, allergic exposure, or anything that can cause your sinus cavities to swell and therefore slow or stop. the flow of mucous membranes. your sinuses. A sinus infection can often follow a cold or flu (influenza). But it is usually caused by the other factors that I mentioned.

You can avoid chronic sinus attacks by trying to determine what is causing them. Are you constantly exposed to house dust or dust mites in your bedroom? You may be breathing in dust particles at night. Is your bedroom well ventilated? Be sure to air it frequently, especially in winter. Winter is when many people complain about their sinuses and a house or apartment that is completely closed without fresh air may be the culprit.

Other Causes: If you are a smoker, you can expect to get chronic sinus infections from the constant attack of smoke particles in the sinus cavities. If you are exposed to sawdust in your workshop or to flour dust in the kitchen if you are cooking or baking, these can be common causes of sinusitis and chronic infections that you have overlooked. Are you exposed at work?

Take a good look at your surroundings and the air around you that you breathe every day and you can find the source of your infections. Know that antibiotics just don’t work for most sinus infections as most are caused by mold spores in the dust and antibiotics won’t help. Natural home treatment for an acute or chronic sinus infection is best. You can prevent them from happening and help yourself when they do.

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