Vital Questions to Ask the Wedding Videographer

If you were to hire a wedding videographer, the first question you would ask before looking for one is how long have you been in the profession? And the number of weddings that he or his colleagues have filmed.

And then one would proceed to figure out his style of technique for making a wedding film. In this section, I would be interested to know if our typical videographer is inclined to make the wedding look like a story or a documentary, a cinematographic style or an abbreviated version of the event, or finally, something that breaks new ground. Do they follow a prescribed or set format?

Is it possible to have the videos in Zune or iPod/iPhone format? Can you broadcast the video on the Internet for your friends and family to see?

The next set of questions for the videographer will be about the type of technology you use to shoot and edit your wedding video. Does your wedding videographer have state-of-the-art digital camcorders with them? In case there is a problem or some kind of mishap at the event, will our wedding videographer have a plan for a booking option? Will you continue to deliver top-notch wedding videos with the help of backup plans like spare batteries, for example? Is it possible to edit the video? This is a good benchmark for judging how up-to-date or outdated your wedding videographer is.

Will the videographer with whom you made the agreement be the one to attend the wedding and record it on video? Or, if your wedding videographer is too busy or trying to be too big, delegate the wedding to a colleague or friend? These could be important questions that decide if you want to go ahead with your chosen wedding videographer. Will having the substitute result in a larger bill?

Will the wedding videographer provide full day coverage or will he only be there until the reception?

Another important question relates to whether you have visited the wedding venue before. If you haven’t, will it be difficult for you to locate the location? In other words, will it arrive on time? If you can’t, will you arrange for your substitute to arrive at the venue on time?

Lighting will be another important factor. Will the wedding videographer adjust the lighting to match the mood of the occasion? What type of lighting will they use? If you’re having a romantic evening wedding with mood lighting from candlelight, and they need the lights on to get pictures, there could be a problem.

Finally, the final question is, how much does it cost to hire the wedding videographer? Do you offer a service guarantee? Does the videographer deliver the final product on time? What format will it be in? How many copies of the final product will you get? And in what format will it be? What will the DVD box be like?

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