Turn your mind’s creative imagination into experience

Albert Einstein was a genius.

I think it was Albert Einstein who said that the greatest creative force in the universe is the creative imagination. Imagination is the greatest creative force. Einstein accomplished a lot in his life, but he never graduated from high school.

A high school dropout created the theory of relativity. Do you think he ever used the power of creative imagination?

I affirm that yes, he harnessed the creative imagination by harnessing the power of the quantum mind…

Quantum physics and mental power:

An attentive mind has limitless potential. He immerses himself in the realm of quantum physics. New evidence on quantum physics seems to have discovered a new set of universal laws once matter is broken down into its core of nuclei.

The smallest part of matter is energy. Energy is a wave function of unlimited potential. A thought is a wave function of energy. Therefore, a wave function of energy can, in theory, become practically anything. Scientific studies have concluded that a wave function, when observed, creates a different result than when it is not observed. Wavefunctions of energy, or thoughts, can actually change with the simple act of looking at those wavefunctions.

I’m not a quantum physicist, and if you’re skeptical about the potential of mind power, I suggest you watch What the Bleep do We Know and What the Bleep do We Know: Down the Rabbit Hole to get a better understanding of the mechanics behind it. of quantum technology. physical.

The muscle behind the power of the subconscious mind is a tool that, when harnessed correctly, will transform every aspect of your life. Your mind is like a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it becomes. An attentive mind accumulates everything it wants in life.

How does the power of the quantum mind work?

The power of the quantum mind works on a level that we humans cannot see, touch, taste, hear or smell, but it is very real. Not being able to experience the power of the subconscious mind with any of the five senses makes it difficult for us to believe that it really works. We rely on cause and effect to judge possible outcomes. This is what stops us.

For example, if you want to get out of debt and say to yourself, “I want to get out of debt,” you will stay in debt for the rest of your life. Why?

First, your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination. Second, just thinking about the word debt will create a quantum reaction (wave function) of debt, which your mind determines as what you want to experience (remember your mind can’t tell the difference between reality and imagination). Viola! Wanting to get out of debt will create the experience of “wanting to get out of debt”, therefore keeping you in debt.
Tip: Specifically imagine that you are already debt free.

We know that we use our mind as a vehicle for decision making, but we focus on external stimuli (wave functions) to determine our quality of life.

“You are to blame for my misfortunes!”

“You are the reason I feel this way!”

“You are the source of all my problems in life!”

The power of the quantum mind uses the creative imagination to use the power of the subconscious mind to determine our quality of life, to internal stimuli to create the life we ​​have always dreamed of.

“As a man thinks, so shall he come to be.”

Sounds familiar? That’s because it’s in the Bible. Jesus knew that the power of the quantum mind worked even two thousand years ago. The universe will force you to experience everything that your imagination can awaken.

Ever wonder why 5% of the population is filthy rich, living the dream, and somehow going on to build huge mountains of wealth and riches with seemingly little effort?

Have you ever wondered why we’re all stuck in the 95% that do all the back-breaking work that keeps you just above the poverty line and living paycheck to paycheck?

5% of the population get it. Read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. They know how to harness the power of the subconscious mind and it starts with creative imagination. Imagination equals experience. Start living the life of your dreams today.

Watch some videos and learn how…

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