Try an exercise program on an elliptical trainer to maintain healthy blood pressure levels

High blood pressure is a heart disorder that affects 24% of the US population. It is estimated that two thirds will have this disorder as they age. A patient with high blood pressure will usually be prescribed one or more medications to control the condition, but these medications can be expensive and can cause other health problems. Aerobic exercise, like the kind of workout you can do on an elliptical trainer, can be an effective way to lower your blood pressure to normal levels.

Hypertension is defined as resting and systolic/diastolic greater than 140/90. This health issue can cause a number of serious health problems when it is allowed to remain at high levels for a long period of time. The heart can become enlarged, which can cause heart failure. People with high blood pressure are at increased risk of stroke and heart attack because this condition can lead to hardening of the arteries. The kidneys can be negatively affected and may even fail due to narrowing of the blood vessels within the kidneys.

So what kind of exercise is effective in normalizing blood pressure? In general, to achieve maximum benefits, you should gradually work your way up to an aerobic session that lasts at least 30 to 45 minutes, at least four to five times a week. Exercising at least every other day will help you maintain a regular aerobic exercise schedule. Exercise should be moderately intense, but be careful to build up this type of exercise routine gradually if you’ve been inactive for the past several years. Most reductions in blood pressure in people with hypertension occur within the first few weeks of starting an aerobic exercise program.

An elliptical trainer is an effective exercise machine if you want to design an exercise program to maintain healthy blood pressure. It is a versatile exercise machine that allows you to tailor an exercise program to your fitness level. You can vary the steps per minute, resistance, and incline to gradually increase the intensity of your workout as your fitness improves. This is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints, so even those with mild joint pain can use an elliptical trainer to treat their high blood pressure without the use of medication.

High blood pressure is a major health condition that affects nearly a quarter of the US population. This condition can cause serious health problems such as strokes, heart attacks, and kidney failure, which is why doctors are so eager to prescribe medications to manage this condition. Regular aerobic exercise can be an effective way to lower and maintain your blood pressure at healthy levels without medication. A new or refurbished elliptical trainer is a versatile exercise machine that will allow the user to design an aerobic exercise routine to suit their individual needs.

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