Transform your house into a green and elegant home with metal roof and wall cladding

Do the asphalt shingles on your roof wear down to the bone in a very short time? Are you tired of maintaining and painting your brick or wooden walls every two years? If the answer to both questions is a painful yes, then you should be looking at metal roofing and wall cladding for a painless future.

Asphalt shingles require frequent roof repairs and have a short lifespan of around 10 years. The remains of your old tiles will end up in a landfill from where they will continue to pollute the earth for decades. Why not get it right the first time with metal wall cladding and metal ceiling cladding that easily lasts for around 50 years and can be reused after your roof and wall work is done?

Metal roof and wall cladding has several advantages over traditional materials such as wood, stone, brick, and fiberglass. Roofs and walls made of metal add strength to your home and can easily withstand hail storms and winds of over 150 miles per hour.

These liners are now offered in a variety of colors, sizes, finishes, and shapes. If you’re worried about corrosion, think about it as these liners are galvanized and coated with colorful polymer-based chemicals that resist corrosion, fading, and fire for many years. In fact, you can apply for a discount on your home insurance policy premium once you install metal roof and wall cladding for your home.

Worrying about roof repairs after installing a metal roof is also a thing of the past. These roofs require virtually no maintenance other than routine checks to locate a deep, odd scratch. You simply need to treat any scratches you find to prevent future corrosion. A metal roof and wall will ensure complete peace of mind for many years that can be spent playing with your children and grandchildren instead of spending time on the roof or walls.

Since walls and roofs made of metal can easily mimic the look of wood, shingles, tiles and slates, you can be sure that your rejuvenated home will draw admiring glances from those who pass by your residence or even from your office or garage. Thanks to their excellent thermal properties, your coatings will also reduce your heating and cooling bills by approximately 15%. Over time, this factor will translate into huge savings, as energy bills will increase with each passing year.

If you’re willing to pay a little more now for metal siding and roofing, you’ll be rewarded for decades with a home that saves more money with each passing year. In addition, your house will be transformed into a green and elegant home. Finally, he will be able to do his part to help protect and preserve Mother Earth for his children and grandchildren with one call to a capable roofing contractor.

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