The Kettlebell Man Maker

What is the kettlebell maker? A quick Google search will give you different results, but the official ‘RKC’ version would be from Pavel’s Enter The Kettlebell, seen by many as the ‘Bible’ of hard-style kettlebell training.

Without going into detail, the man maker as detailed in Enter The Kettlebell, or ETK for short, was originally devised by Green Beret and RKC vet Bill Cullen. It’s simply alternating kettlebell oscillations and a form of “recovery” cardio, like running or jumping rope, for 12 straight minutes.

The kettlebell maker is one of the simplest and hardest conditioning workouts I’ve personally done. Four to six weeks of these and you’ll be in better shape than you thought possible, and in less than 30 minutes per session total, including warm-up and cool-down!

This workout is designed to be alternated with a few minutes of Turkish lifts on “off days” of the week for total balanced development. Another cool thing to note about this routine is that it works all of your major muscle groups, meets your resistance, cardio, mobility, and flexibility training needs, and takes literally less than an hour of training per week. Talk about efficient!

Kettlebell training is one of the best ways to get a complete strength and conditioning workout. The Maker of Kettlebells As originally envisioned by Bill Cullen, RKC is one of the simplest and most effective kettlebell workouts of all time. Add it to your routine for enhanced results today!

That?! Are you learning to use kettlebells but don’t have Pavel’s Enter The Kettlebell?

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