The great shake!

Many health experts and our mothers highlight the fact that we should start our day with a healthy breakfast. But what exactly is a healthy breakfast? How much and what kind of food should it consist of? How do we give our body the proper fuel in this very important first meal to energize us and launch into our day? With our fast pace of life, it seems that our choices consist of sugary starches and cereals that simply sap our energy and make us seek a cat nap before even leaving the house.

Fruits and nuts are obviously all natural and healthy, but it may not be the best option for everyone and it definitely won’t work for those with the “stick to the ribs” mentality. And besides, who has time to think about protein, soluble and insoluble fiber, carbohydrates, sugar, and fat anyway? We need to walk out the door with something that is healthy and we want it to be easy!

So what? How do we find out what is healthy for us individually?

There is endless information, speculation and opinion on how to start the day in the most nutritious way. Top marketers flood our media landscape with test result claims that their sugary oat cereals and processed wheat snacks are best for lowering cholesterol and losing weight on the go. What’s missing from those claims is exactly who the people are being tested. If I ate a breakfast made for a lumberjack every day for a year, then accepted compensation to commit to a focus group “trial” of eating sugary cereals and starchy snacks, then I’d lose weight and lower my cholesterol too!

Don’t get me wrong, these products have been successful for a very select group of people who fall into this scenario, but let’s face it, the universe of people who eat breakfast every day is amazing. The reality is that we all fall into different degrees of health and wellness categories and there is no “Best Breakfast” for everyone, no matter what the labels proclaim.

We live in what I call “the age of the magic pill.” Marketers want us to believe that they have finally developed a magic pill that will somehow magically know what each individual person’s body requires for optimal nutrition and “open kadabra” we swallow the pill and we are on our way to superior health … yes … right.

There is an answer to the question of which foods work for almost everyone and these foods can be adapted in countless ways to meet your culinary and health needs. Once seen as the anchor of all weight loss programs, the shake or shake now has a well-documented history as a complete nutritional meal … and not just for breakfast! Protein, fiber, antioxidants, and much more can be integrated into a simple, easy-to-make breakfast shake. Old school chalk and tasteless concoctions have given way to personalized new school recipes tailored to the individual’s wellness needs and gourmet tastes. Why have another toast or bowl of sugary cereal when you can whip up a gourmet breakfast in no time that far surpasses any one-dimensional breakfast option and, best of all, can be enjoyed on the go.

If you’re stuck in the breakfast grind, then shake things up a bit (pun intended). Perhaps you have even tried them in the past. Give it another chance, but be creative. Experiment with the ingredients for a while and you will be surprised how quickly you will see many different results. Remember, you are different from everyone else. From your metabolic rate to your daily activity levels, your fitness routines and more. Mixing YOUR perfect combination of ingredients will launch your day feeling full and full of brain fuel to tackle whatever comes your way.

There are many recipe options to get into right now. It is best to start with your favorite things. Using a fruit juice base or flavored milk or soy milk, you can really create endless healthy meal combinations. You can also add fruits and yogurts and peanut butter … there are countless options. When you get your favorite mixes, you can really customize your creations, shop by adding extra protein and fiber powders to really get better. Every day can be different and the results will be noticeable almost immediately.

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