The Devil’s Bishop

What bible will the False Churches read from now on. It will not be the KJV or any other version written about Jesus. This shame is on all people who call themselves Christians. The Bible, which is our holy guide and path to Heaven, has been desecrated by these people who call themselves leaders of the Church and have belittled themselves.

They are not like Christ, but from the depths of hell they will cry out for mercy. It’s no wonder that children today are turning to the homosexual lifestyle, because they see this abomination in the newspapers and on TV and they think it’s okay. Satan is using these types of people to help spread his propaganda.

We see it on the news almost daily. Europe is now accepting civil unions as a form of marriage, even in the United States, transgender marriage is becoming accepted normal behavior.

(BELFAST, Northern Ireland — Britain’s first civil unions of three same-sex couples took place at Belfast City Hall on Monday as protesters crowded outside. The UK ushered in a new era of rights gays when three gay couples wed in civil union ceremonies, the first of several hundred across the country this week, including Sir Elton John and his partner Northern Ireland, one of the last UK regions to legalize homosexuality in 1982, became the first on Monday to grant gay couples the same legal protections as married heterosexuals – a measure already in place in many other European countries.) As it was in the days of Noah.

How many times does God have to say that homosexuality is a stench and an abomination, before this world believes it.

Let’s see 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11, and with all deceitfulness of iniquity for those who are lost, because they did not receive the love of the truth to be saved. and for this reason God will send them a deceptive power, so that they believe the lie.

What is the lie that certain people and even church groups are trying to spread among the youth of this world? That everything can be done, without God getting angry?

The Bible in all cases says that in the last days there will be deceivers, deceiving and being deceived. Thinking that their lifestyle is right with God, even if they can read the scriptures and say that these scriptures are for someone else and not for us.

Homosexuality was the cause of AIDS, other sexual diseases are caused by sin and injustice. It was the fall of Sodam and Gamorah, it will be the fall of this land we live on, unless we cry out to God for deliverance.

There’s a man in NH. that he believes that he is immune to God’s laws and takes pleasure in those who do the same. He is called a bishop of the church, a man of God, a leader of the flock, a teacher of the young, and yet he defies the Scriptures and those who believe in him. This man is not even a bishop, because he does not meet the requirements for the office. let’s read

1 Titus 3:1-7; True is this saying: If anyone longs for a bishopric, he desires a good work. It is necessary, then, that the bishop be blameless, husband of one wife, sober, sober, decorous, hospitable, apt to teach;

Not given to wine, not a beater, not greedy for dishonest gain; but patient, not quarrelsome, not greedy;

He who rules his house well, who has his children in subjection with all honesty;

(For he who does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?)

Not a novice, lest exalting himself fall into the devil’s condemnation.

In addition, you must have a good report of those who are outside; so that it does not fall into opprobrium and into the snare of the devil.

By the word of God, this man is none of the above, but the devil’s bishop.

The Bible says that because we now live, if you stand firm in the Lord. And how do we do that with people who deny the words of God? This type of behavior is putting Jesus back on the cross and bringing him back into open shame. There is nowhere in scripture where this behavior has ever been accepted, so how can anyone justify this lifestyle?

Look at Ephesians 4:18-19 having their understanding darkened, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their hearts; who, having lost all sensibility, gave themselves up to lasciviousness to work all things. filth with greed.

How much clearer does God have to be in His word to make those who are out of order stop and take their actions into account. It is a time of decision, do you want to be part of the Church of which Jesus is the head or do you want to be a member of Satan’s church.

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make the synagogue (Church) of Satan those who say they are Jews (interiorly), and they are not, but lie; behold, I will make them come and worship before your feet, and know that I have loved you. In Revelation 2:13, we see a warning sign of the last days.

“I know your works, and where you dwell, where is the seat of Satan; and you retain my name, and have not denied my faith, even in those days when Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwells.”

Our children are at stake here and those abroad, can’t you see the signs of the times, can’t you hear the sound of God’s army gathering, can’t you hear the roar of the storm clouds? Satan and the antichrist together with the beast and the false prophet are preparing to show themselves, Satan is bringing out his bishops in order to make a new world church, where anything goes.

It is time for you as Christians to take a stand, who do you serve? Take this message to the roads and paths and warn your children and loved ones, it is time to think, today is the day of salvation, do not harden your heart and find yourself in the congregation of the Devil’s Bishop.

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