The 5 Most Common Roofing Problems Roofing Contractors Can Fix

The roof is one of the most important parts of your home or property. This is the part that directly defends you against harmful environmental and weather elements. Therefore, your roofing system must be designed to last a long time and keep your valuables safe and secure. However, depending on the type of roof you have installed and the conditions of your location, it is not uncommon to face various problems with your roof, some of which require professional repairs or even require roof replacements.

Fortunately, roofing contractors have what it takes to restore your roof and can fix any problems you may have with your roof. But considering that some of the problems can be costly, it’s best to have regular roof inspections and maintenance so that small problems are handled before they become bigger, more expensive problems. Below are the most common roof problems you might face.

1. Tile damage – The aesthetic roof option protects the underlying roof structures from the elements. But over time they can be weakened by UV rays, wind and rain. Warped, missing, or broken shingles will require roof repairs, and your roofing contractor will be able to provide you with the solutions you need for this.

2. Roof leaks – These are major roofing problems and should always be fixed as soon as they are identified before they cause damage to your property and valuables. Because some of the leaks can be difficult to identify until there are clear signs of water damage, it is safest to schedule a regular inspection of the roof and property to ensure the roof is waterproof and problem areas are addressed before that they become something important.

3. Standing water – If you notice standing water on your roof, you definitely have a drainage problem that needs to be fixed. The best way to tell if you have drainage problems is to check your roof after a storm. For sloped roofs, gutters must be free of debris to ensure water drains properly. It’s best to fix these issues before you start seeing water stains on your ceiling.

4. Penetrations and punctures – They are usually the result of damage to the roofing material either by hail or wind. Typically, the flashing and sealant around penetrations can be damaged leaving some parts of the roof exposed and not functional as they should be. It helps to perform regular checks on the roof to ensure that everything, including the sealant, is actually in place and serving its purpose.

5. Damage to trees – Trees around your home can be very beneficial in keeping the air around your home cool and providing shade on sunny days. However, when you have tree branches hanging dangerously over your roof, you are at risk of many roof problems. Branches could end up rubbing and abrading the roof surface with the protective coating on top. There is also the risk of branches falling on the roof and causing serious damage.

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