Start cooking healthy this summer – 4 good reasons why

Healthy cooking is the need of the hour: With people facing so many health issues and nutritional deficiencies, it’s imperative to pay close attention to what you eat and how you cook it. It’s particularly challenging in the summer because cooking makes the entire kitchen and house very hot. But with pure clay pots, summer cooking can be as easy as any other time of year, and you can continue to cook healthy for your family.

Let’s understand healthy cooking first, starting with the basics, it’s twofold:

1. Healthy ingredients

2. Healthy kitchen utensils

Choosing healthy ingredients is a great first step toward healthy cooking, and choosing healthy cookware is just as important. Cooking carefully chosen, nutrient-dense ingredients in the wrong cookware not only destroys delicate nutrients, but also contaminates food with metals and chemical toxins. With this in mind, it is vitally important to choose cookware made from naturally inert and 100% non-toxic materials, such as unglazed primary clay or pure clay. Here are some important reasons why healthy summer cooking is important and why pure clay pots make it so much easier and more enjoyable:

1. They don’t “cook the kitchen”

Metals and ceramics (common cookware materials) tend to heat up and cool down at the same time, so a greater amount of heat is needed to cook the same food. Also, as the pot cooks, much of the heat is dumped into the kitchen or living room (since the pot is also constantly cooling down). A pure clay pot, on the other hand, is an excellent heat retainer, so you don’t need too much heat to cook. Most foods can be cooked over medium or low heat. And taking almost the same time! This amazing feature helps you cook in a pleasantly cool kitchen.

2. They complement your healthy living practices

Let’s admit it: the cold keeps us inside and all our resolutions of exercising, going out, walking, only come true in summer. Healthy cooking in crock pots perfectly complements this change: you can now cook with little or no oil or fat, steam and get the most out of your daily training regimen. And best of all, food tastes so much better when cooked in clay.

3. It is a good time to learn and enjoy new recipes and cooking

It’s always a good time to start something new, but summer is even better to learn and try new recipes. It is easier to search for new healthy ingredients, fresh ingredients are more readily available. Farmers’ markets are a nice place to look for them. In winter, you would rather have established your tastes, ingredient sources, etc. and keep trying what you have learned to cook in the summer, so why not try cooking some delicious new and exotic recipes this summer?

4. They “season” much better in the summer

A pure clay pot can be seasoned at any time by following the instructions, but somehow they seem to like the heat of summer better than the cold of winter. The summer heat allows the pot to dry more quickly and completely after each cooking and this allows it to season better, isn’t that great? Cleaning and cooking in a well-seasoned crock pot is so easy it’s almost magical!

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