Singles Survival Guide for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year. The food, the fun, the family togetherness, it really couldn’t be more perfect. Unless, of course, single status has family and friends constantly asking when to show up as single to flings will no longer be the case.

Surviving Thanksgiving as a bachelor is no walk in the park, but there are a few things to keep in mind to make the ordeal a little easier to manage. The first thing to remember is that questions usually arise for one of two reasons: family and friends are concerned about your happiness, or they are just nosy. There are ways to handle both.

Put fears to rest

When questions about a lady’s future prospects come at a dizzying pace and worry is at the root, it is generally recommended to handle them with care. While it may seem easier to simply request that Mommy, Daddy, and Great-Aunt Mae mind their own business, it’s probably not the most pleasant or tactful way to go. Instead try:

The simple truth: Tell them that you are dating and are currently more interested in building a career. Just marry the truth and say that the relationship will come when it comes.

The cunning approach: Explain to mom that you would have been on the lookout, but so far no lady has been able to hold a candle for her. At the very least, a smile will result from this.

Dealing with nosy relatives

When relatives or friends are just prodding and prodding too much, acting like your single status is similar to the plague, it opens the door to having a little more fun with the answers. Be a little cautious and calculate the suitability of each person. Mom and Dad most likely don’t fall into this category, so you’re almost always safe. To try:

Telling them that you are considering a life in the clergy. If a direct delivery is given, they will never ask again.

Saying the mail order bride didn’t make it on time, but she’s coming next holiday season. (Just remember to clear them up if a girlfriend is present at next year’s festivities!) Explain that your last girlfriend turned out to be an alien and went home. You are too devastated to consider another at this time.

Just telling the truth. Politely tell them you’re not ready (for whatever reason). If they continue to push, calmly thank them for their concern and let them know that this is the end of the discussion.

Dealing with single status at Thanksgiving can be a huge pain in the neck. However, if you take the right attitude, it is possible to dodge much of the fire and still have a good time.

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