Simple Strategies to Survive in the Workplace

If you’re having a hard time in the workplace, it could be because you’re bringing some incorrect assumptions and expectations to your job. Many people unknowingly bring their emotional baggage to work, and if they’re not careful, it can turn work into a nightmare. The workplace has a number of elements: your colleagues, your boss, and your actual job. All of these interact to make your daily work life what it is.

It is crucial to understand that there are several types of potholes and that your survival on the job site depends on knowing which type you have. For example, there’s the sincere support type who wants you to do your best and helps you do it; the laissez-faire type who gives you little direction but few problems if you leave them alone; the anxious boss who wants to micromanage you; the boss “friend” who behaves as if they were friends; the judgmental boss for whom nothing is ever good enough and the bully boss who lives to intimidate and exploit his workers.

If you’re the caring boss type, most of the following won’t apply to you, but for all other types, reading this article could make the difference between a happy work life and a hellish one. Here are some basic strategies to not only survive but thrive at work:

It is important that you never call your boss’s attention to your shortcomings. Try to frame any mistakes in the best light. If you messed up and they need to know, present the information to them in the least self-incriminating way possible. If they have discovered an error in your work, answer their questions honestly, but do not go into detail about how you went wrong. You must provide them with the facts; not ammunition with which they can damage you.

Make sure you don’t do anything to lower the morale of your co-workers. Being late or appearing not to be doing your job creates an atmosphere of resentment among your coworkers and annoys your boss. Most potholes like it when you’re in the background, calmly attending to your work; They hate it when you force them to take time away from their own tasks to deal with the problems you’ve created. If you don’t have enough to do, consider approaching your boss and asking for more work, but remember that this could backfire on you. On the contrary, it may be time to look elsewhere for bigger challenges.

If your boss is overly critical or harassing, management will often be more supportive of him than you, and your best option might be to leave. Administrations are not usually fair or kind; they prefer to maintain the status quo and take the path of least resistance. People in power may have promoted their boss because they like this person or because they share similar attitudes. They may not know or care about their boss’s bullying. Remember, it is easier to replace someone at a lower level than one at a higher level.

Make yourself essential; then you will have some bargaining power. If the powers that be really need your particular skill set, it will be easier to negotiate pay raises, vacations, and other benefits. However, never assume that you are irreplaceable. The workplace is not the bastion of kindness and sweetness.

Getting along with everyone is essential. No matter how good your job is, if you are not seen as friendly and helpful, the workplace will not be a pleasant place. People are often promoted because they get along with their superiors and colleagues rather than because of the quality of their work. You don’t have to like everyone, and you probably won’t feel inclined to, but you will have to look like you do.

Conflict in the workplace makes bosses very unhappy, and there are likely to be negative consequences if the boss finds out that you and a colleague are at odds. There’s also the possibility that a disgruntled co-worker is one of those disturbed types who feels the need to get even with anyone who annoys them. You don’t want this person trying to make your work life hell. Work should be like driving: do it defensively

Don’t be a martyr in the workplace: never sacrifice your own needs for work. There’s no guarantee that regularly putting in extra hours or going above and beyond the call of duty will earn you respect, a raise, or a promotion. Sometimes it will, and sometimes this has nothing to do with whether or not you will succeed. Remember, your boss is not your loved one. They might appreciate your extra efforts, but they might also be happy to exploit you for all you’re worth.

The workplace is not where you will heal your emotional wounds or make up for any child neglect. Your boss’s approval can’t make up for your parents’ lack of approval. If you’re trying too hard to be “loved” by your boss, consider getting a pet or talking to a therapist.

You can’t really be friends with your boss. Remember, they have the power to fire you or promote you. A boss who wants to be friends with his employees is being unfair and inappropriate. When it’s time to push, they hold all the cards. Any confidence you share with them could be used against you if the personal relationship soured, and any confidence they share with you could ultimately make them uncomfortable, and then you’ll be the one to walk away.

A hypercritical, micromanaging, or anxious/aggressive boss might be mollified by seeing that you are stable, consistent, and capable of producing high-quality work. On the other hand, it could be someone who, despite all your efforts, can’t help but give you a hard time. If this is wearing you down, you may need to leave so you can find a boss who is truly able to appreciate and maybe even reward your efforts.

Think twice before workplace romance; you’re going to have to see this person every day for as long as you have the job, once you’re done. Statistically, most relationships you start won’t end in marriage, so consider whether you want to go to work every day and hang out with your ex, possibly angry or worse still obsessed with you.

Ratting out a co-worker will almost certainly backfire; You just caused your boss trouble by pointing out a problem that he now has to solve. Bosses have a lot on their plate. They usually want you to do your job and not bother them. When you bring them even a legitimate problem, it makes them look like someone which increases their stress level.

And then, of course, there’s the coworker you’re telling and how they’ll feel toward you after the fact. If they continue to work together, the atmosphere will be tense at best. Please consider very carefully whether you want your name attached to this issue. Is there an anonymous way that this information can be communicated to your superior(s)?

Don’t avoid work, but don’t think you have to do other people’s work either. Learn to say “No” sometimes and do it without actually saying “No” and with a big smile on your face. Say things like, “I’d love to, as soon as I’m done with these other tasks,” and they’ll take the work elsewhere. In the workplace, impressions, unfortunately, count for a lot.

Being considered cooperative and helpful is more important than actually being that way. Don’t forget that you could be someone extremely helpful, and yet (say, someone has misunderstood you or is even mean to you) you unfairly have the reputation of being difficult. It is essential that you carefully manage your reputation at work.

Above all, be strategic. The workplace is not the setting for deep, meaningful relationships or heartfelt candor; it is the place where you do your tasks in the most efficient and conscientious way possible, while remembering to take care of your own needs and present yourself in the best possible light to everyone around you. Remember that you set the tone for how they treat you; If you tolerate disrespect or exploitation, your colleagues or supervisors will think it’s okay to continue to treat you that way.

Going to work is much more than pursuing the satisfaction of a job well done. Knowing how to strategically negotiate the workplace minefield will make it much easier to stay out of trouble and enjoy your work.

(C) Marcia Sirota MD, 2010

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