Message from the Universe: By HELPING others, you HELP yourself!

“There is no greater weapon than kindness.

A smile, a compliment, encouragement and compassion are part of the arsenal of every Space-Time Adventurer.

Today, may you crush, kill and destroy the fears you find, in others and in yourself.

Yes, please. Thank you –
The universe”

All the people you will meet in your life are dealing with their daily struggles. You must be kind to everyone, even those who have hurt you. Easier said than done. TRUE? I agree with you on that. Guilt is something that can destroy someone who has wronged others, and karma will take care of the rest. If someone doesn’t feel remorse or care about anyone but themselves, life will come back to them and take care of things that you personally can’t. For everything else in life, your smile and kindness will count. When you help others, you are helping yourself. There is always a better way to do things you weren’t aware of when you find solutions that can help someone in trouble. There is only one good thing that comes out of helping others when needed. Be that person who is willing to take that step forward to make a positive change in this world.

Take the example of the partially blind autistic child who was hit by a bully and another child intervenes by hitting and knocking the bully down. He stepped in while others by standards did not squat. The high school district expelled both the bully and the one defending the autistic boy from school, but the latter was able to get 35,000 signatures to get him back in school for the right reasons. All schools must have a ZERO tolerance for bullying, but must apply the Good Samaritan law when it comes to protecting those who cannot fight back. Don’t be the standard and let someone be the victim of a crime. You want to make sure to protect yourself, obviously, but if many gather and attack the assailant, he will run instead of facing 10 as a rule ready to do justice to the victim. If only one intervenes, the criminal could stand his ground. Take action and always be willing to help others, because in the end, the person you are really helping is yourself.

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