Kegel Exercises: Cure Premature Ejaculation and Get a Longer, Thicker Penis

Kegel exercises were first developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel as a way to strengthen the pelvic muscles. These muscles help control the urethra, bladder, uterus (in women, of course), and rectum. These are also the muscles that control ejaculation, and when you’re fit, you’ll have more control over when you ejaculate (helps prevent premature ejaculation), as well as giving you more intense orgasms.

First, you need to know how to flex your pelvic floor muscles (which this exercise targets). To do this, stop urinating midway through, the muscles that allow you to do this are the muscles that you will develop by doing this exercise.

These exercises can also be helpful in relieving childbirth, urinary incontinence, and even hemorrhoids. They can also help increase blood flow to the genitals, which helps men:

1. Develop stronger and longer lasting erections.

2. It can increase both the amount and the distance during ejaculation.

3. Increase the size of the penis (length and girth), as well as the size of the head of the penis.

4. Especially useful to prevent premature ejaculation.

To exercise your PC muscles, you simply “flex” those very muscles that give you the ability to stop the flow of urine midstream. These exercises should be painless and can be done almost anywhere since no one else should know you are doing them.

There are several variations of this exercise:

one. Kegel flapping-This is a great exercise to gain more control of your PC muscle and although it is not a good strengthening exercise, it is very effective in preventing premature ejaculation. Perform this exercise by rapidly contracting and relaxing your PC muscle. It will be difficult at first, but with practice you can learn to flex these muscles for a minute or more, do it 3 or 4 times a day.

Although difficult at first, once you gain more control of these muscles, you’ll find that you can prevent premature ejaculation simply by flexing them, talk of a boost in your confidence!

two. Flex and hold Kegel-Instead of a quick flex and release like in previous flapping methods, this exercise is just as it implies, you flex and then keep your muscles tense. This exercise is excellent for increasing the intensity and duration of orgasms and overall muscle strength. Try to hold the flex very strongly for (although it will be difficult) a full minute at a time. Do this several times a day.

3. Flex and hold Flutter Kegel-This is simply a combination of the previous two exercises. Simply hold the flex for a few seconds longer than you do the flapping (2-3 seconds), then relax for 3-4 seconds and repeat. Do this 4 or 5 times a day.

Kegel exercises may not be as effective as Jelqing at increasing your package size, but they can work well in conjunction with Jelqing to give you full control of when you ejaculate (effectively stopping premature ejaculation), as well as giving you monster orgasms, you have to feel it to believe it!

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