Is khaki a color or is khaki a fabric?

If you’ve ever been shopping for a pair of women’s khaki pants, then you know how confusing it is to find what you’re looking for. Maybe it’s because we don’t really know what we’re looking for or, we don’t know how to describe the khaki pants to the employee!

You can go to a store and ask for them and they will take you down a hall where everything is that traditional powder khaki / beige color, but made of some synthetic fabric. Then you ask in the store next door and they take you down an aisle with cotton twill pants in a variety of colors, from purple to black, and they tell you this is the khaki pants assortment.

So what is this style exactly? Is it a color or is it a fabric? Actually, persimmon is one or both! At first, khaki was a color native to the Middle East, probably Persia, where the name comes from, and British soldiers adopted it as the official color for a uniform. This was the advent of khaki as a color.

However, those uniforms were made from cotton twill or linen, which means that khaki is also a fabric. Today you can find khaki pants that are khaki or women’s khaki pants that are any color imaginable. Khaki is a color and khaki is a fabric, so don’t get confused when shopping. If you do an internet search for women’s khaki pants and a screen comes up with dark green or purple pants, look at the fabric they are made from. Most likely it will be cotton or linen twill.

Fashion is very important. Whether you are trying to get a job or just trying to impress someone. Always dress well and you will be surprised by what comes up for you!

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