Intimacy: a necessity or just a delusion?

Intimacy… A Necessity or Just a Delusion? It is a common conception that all human beings yearn for intimacy. It’s considered one of the few important things a human being needs to experience… you know, before they write their eulogies. Everyone seeks this consolation, that of human contact, the tingling pleasure of pampering, the state of satiety obtained by shaking hands, mutual care. I, being a human, also look for these things so much, but I did something that always messes up these intimate emotions… I thought. I took my brain into the arena that exclusively harbors delicate but strong emotions, and the realities I discovered were so staggering that I thought everyone should at least spend some time on this thought process. It was when I delved into why we seek intimacy that I got some answers. Later, it made me ask myself these questions: Should intimacy really take up so much space in our minds? Is it really worth the obsession and the time we spend on it? Isn’t intimacy overrated? Is there nothing else that can take its place? Is intimacy irreplaceable? In a perfect world; Yes! But, in the real world, a big NO. We have embedded it so deeply into our world that to think of a life without it is like a child without candy.

In my opinion, intimacy is just a part of life and not as vital as breathing. If intimacy gets the place it deserves, the best analogy I can think of is that of a highly addictive parasite waiting for you to break through. I believe that intimacy, like our other cravings, is just a crush, not given enough time to diagnose how intense it is. The most important element that spreads these parasites are the movies we watch, originally intended for entertainment, but little by little they are becoming trends. They all want to merge the lives of our protagonists into their lives, the same melodrama and the same level of connection. It is the movies that make every person yearn for both physical and emotional intimacy. Not all people require these things. According to my philosophy, each person has tasks to perform in her life. Some get intimacy in their lives and some don’t. But movies overvalue these things and create a mindset that getting first-hand experience seems like a necessity. For example, if a person yearns for, say, something other than intimacy, then they don’t know how much that yearning means to them because none of the movies portray/show that particular trait. I’d never know how much he wants that unless he gets it or ends up dishonoring himself in the hunt. On the other hand, if it is just a slight longing, you can lose sight of it in the desert of other desires.

My point is that some deserve it and some don’t. If one gets it, he should treasure it with all his might. For the “unlucky” ones, they shouldn’t try to forcefully explore that dimension, while in reality they may be spending their time doing something worth their time. Going after something that is going to cause them pain and hopelessness is not a great choice, especially when the world needs you and is calling out to YOU!

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