Increase the power of your car mechanically and chemically

Sometimes it makes you want to improve the performance of your car. Sometimes you have to because of engine and transmission wear and mileage issues. The following tips cover what to do with Hot Rod in your car, as well as what new products end wear and mileage power loss issues, to restore lost power to your car and extend the life and reliability of your car. .

Let’s consider the 4 ways to improve the power of your car.

  1. One way to significantly increase power is adding one or more special devices to improve energy. One of these devices is called a racing engine camera. This internal engine device replaces the original factory cam and allows much more fuel to enter the combustion cycle, thus producing more horsepower. You select the amount of power enhancement from a catalog list. Price range around $ 450 up to.
  2. Another great enhancer it’s called a supercharger. At a price of over $ 3,500. This additional device is a special fan or pump made to force twice as much fuel and air into the engine, for a huge power gain. Both the race chamber and the supercharger are generally installed to achieve maximum power and speed development.
  3. Many new cars have factory installed superchargers. For auto racing, of course, race car owners add the above items, such as how to get more power boost advantages. But look for new and used cars with a factory installed supercharger. Think “factory hot rodding”. Check the brand of why you are thinking of buying by searching internet forums for negative conversations, so as not to buy a problematic model. Add about $ 2,500 to the price of the car, or more.
  4. Using a new generation of additives by Mega Power to restore lost horsepower caused by wear and tear. Various wear and tear conditions on your engine and transmission, which occur midway through the life of your vehicle. When an engine begins the downward loss of horsepower and performance, Mega Power is what many smart car owners used to restore power to their cars.

Your driveway and car may show a sign of wear and tear and an early stage of energy loss is increasing. The first signs of wear include oil drips in the driveway. Other signs include your engine’s exhaust. As the pistons suck up the oil from the engine, they burn it and blow out some smoke. The oil level in your engine will drop a quarter or two between oil changes. Blowby, a term for combustion exhaust, and its fumes are present.

Other signs are that engine noise will increase. It is common to hit sticky valves and valve lifters. It sounds like a hammer is loose on your engine. Your transmissions will change louder or slower. Those are all signs of wear and tear on a product called Mega Power that will end. Mega Power also works just as well to eliminate transmission problems. These conditions prevent full power development.

As wear increases, so does friction, and friction absorbs energy that is used to increase the zipper and performance of your car. Every sign shows that a costly overhaul will soon be required to remedy the problem. The cost of overhaul is over $ 3,000. And this is where Mega Power is often turned to to help avoid, or put off, that need for several more years. Mega Power is not that expensive. Around $ 150, and it’s an option chosen by thousands of car owners. Cheaper if you install it yourself. It is easy to do.

How Mega Power works to increase octane. Octane boost is a caustic additive that increases fuel power. Not good for today’s engines. Mega Power restores lost horsepower to your engine by ending frictional wear and waste energy loss issues. 6 items are ordered and included as a complete Mega Power Motor treatment. 3 items are installed to clean the top of the engine and release rings, valves and other components. 3 are for cleaning the lower engine of the lubrication system.

While most additives are based on solvent cleaners, which are harmful to today’s engines, or thick like molasses, and can block the oil supply, Mega Power is a thin, anti-wear substance that can go where the oil, even synthetic oils cannot, to undue wear. and waste power reduction problems.

Included in this treatment to also restore lost power to your engine are MC + friction reducing factors. After cleaning and releasing the conditioners, MC + smooths the surfaces of pistons, bearings, valves and gears with high friction and roughness. The MC + then adds a slick protective film that fills in the worn gaps on your engine. All of this is complex high-tech chemistry to restore your old cars as almost new in power and zip. However, it is easy to install. And anyone can install the product. Driving then does the actual restoration.


Sometimes it makes you want to improve the performance of your car. Sometimes you have done it too because you need a little help. Consult your local mechanic for local upgrade advice and Hot Rod tips. For more information on the Mega Power transmission and engine treatment, please see the links below.

Hope all of this helps you get new or lost horsepower, and get better cars, equipment, and RVs up and running … by increasing your knowledge and driving pleasure … George

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