If you’re bored in retirement, you’re doing something wrong!

How many times have you heard someone say that their retirement is boring? It’s hard to believe that someone would find this moment in their life to be anything more than a dream come true. It’s almost a tragedy when you think about it. Someone works forty years or more, saves as much money as they can, and then doesn’t find this new freedom to be all they thought it would be. There is something that can be done that doesn’t require a lot of effort and won’t cost a dime. It’s called planning and taking stock of where you are in your life and charting a course to where you want to be.

You must accept the fact that the only thing that prevents you from being happy is you. As hard as it may be for some people to admit, it is the absolute truth. It may be painful to hear, but it is absolutely a fact. While it is true that some people have experienced incredible tragedy and sadness and deserve our deepest sympathy, almost every therapist will tell you that there is a way out. You should seek advice and resolve your situation with someone who is competent and honest.

But sadly, most people who find retirement boring are not victims of the tragedy. They are victims of laziness and lack of creativity. The number of activities and resources that are available today is absolutely staggering, and many of them are absolutely free. Finding a hobby, reading a book, or exploring online resources can be the cure for your boredom in life. If you don’t have your own computer, most libraries have one that you can use for free. Take advantage of senior groups in your area and make new friends and find new interests. If money is an issue, many groups will waive the nominal membership fee they charge. The main thing is to take the first step towards a new life and realize that you are the only one who can make it happen.

Finding a new activity to fill your time can make all the difference in the world and can be a pathway to making new friends and experiencing new things. Think about your life about all the things you used to do in your youth. Examine all the interests you had and dreams you might have put on hold. Have you ever wanted to play an instrument, take up painting, gardening, or even write a book? There’s no reason why it can’t happen now. There is no such thing as being too old. The world is full of examples of people who achieved things in their later years. Winston Churchill did not become Prime Minister until he was sixty-five, an age when many people are just beginning to retire. Ben Franklin was 79 years old when he invented bifocals and Frank Lloyd Wright was over 90 when he completed the work at the Guggenheim Museum. It is time to take the first step and not accept boredom at a time in your life that should be the happiest and most enjoyable. You worked your whole life for this. It’s time to enjoy the retired life.

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