How to write posts that will be read and shared

Social media marketing and content marketing go hand in hand. In fact, many of your social media efforts will likely come down to creating blog posts and articles and then sharing them with your audience.

However, to get your content read and shared, you need to make sure you approach it the right way and have the right idea about what works on Facebook and Twitter and what doesn’t.

And by ‘work’, what we really mean is that you are creating content that will be shared and read.

Let’s take a look at how you do this:

The importance of uniqueness

Businesses that are clueless about social media will create boring, derivative content.

How many times have you seen articles on ‘How to get abs’? Or in ‘How to conquer women’?

These are things that everyone wants to achieve, but the articles are written in a very generic way that doesn’t seem to offer anything new.

On the other hand, you have those ‘clickbait’ elements that go the other way. They are incredibly hyperbolic or create some kind of mystery so that people are tempted to click.

They could be ‘The One Amazing Trick That Will Give You AMAZING Abs Overnight’ or ‘You’ll NEVER Believe The Only Weed Men Use To Get Women In Bed!’.

These titles work because they grab attention and offer something completely new… but rarely does the actual content deliver on its promise.

Instead, try to use the same strategy while offering something good.

How about ‘How Cardio Boost Burns 73% More Fat’ or ‘How Dating Experts Apply Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Amazing Effect’.

These articles include technical-sounding terms that people haven’t heard of and that suggest something new, so they’re likely to click. Yet at the same time, these are real topics that you can write about and keep your promise.

Your Reader ‘Person’

At the same time, always keep your ‘reader person’ in mind.

This is a fictitious profile of the type of person your content is intended for. If you do it right, then there should be a certain section of your audience for whom the content is perfect. This makes them much more likely to share as a way to express themselves, because your content reflects their personality, and it means their friends are more likely to share it with them, knowing they like it.

Remember that, at its core, social media is a communication tool. If your content facilitates communication and expression, then you will be successful!

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