How to withdraw more than your ATM limit when the bank is closed

Have you ever found that perfect item on Craigslist and didn’t have the cash on hand to pay for it, and to make matters worse, the bank was already closed? Most ATMs (ATMs) will generally only allow you to withdraw a daily maximum of around $ 500. Also, most people will not accept a check or other form of payment for the sale of an item from a complete stranger. . If you find yourself in this same situation, you may still be able to withdraw enough funds to complete your purchase in another way. Of course, keep in mind that you need to have enough money in the bank first.

This is the method I use and it has worked well. However, it is worth noting that the procedure I use works best for amounts that are typically less than a few thousand dollars. First, I withdraw the maximum daily amount that an ATM will dispense for my account. Then I find out how much money is still needed to make the purchase. The next step is to locate the closest grocery store that has self-checkout lines. Almost all self-checkout lines will allow you to pay by bank card and will offer a “cash back” option at the end of your purchase. You can go through a regular ATM, but it’s definitely not as convenient and generally slower than the self checkout lanes.

Usually just before the self checkout lanes are impulse buying shelves that are filled with items like candy, gum, and breath mints. I take a bar of chocolate or some other very inexpensive item, scan it, and pay for it with my bank card. When he asks if I want a cash refund, I enter the maximum amount allowed and complete the purchase. Then I calculate how many more times I need to purchase an item with cash back at the maximum amount. It is important to select items that cost different amounts as there are built-in controls that prevent identical charges to be deposited on bank cards in the same establishments the same day. This is a feature provided by most banks to prevent accidental double charging and is there for your benefit. As long as the total price of your sale is different, the pay station will continue to allow you the ability to withdraw money through the cash back option.

Copyright © 2010 Sal Ring

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