How to make him realize that you are still the one for him and leave his new girlfriend

When a breakup happens, it can feel like your whole world has ended because this relationship was the most important thing in the world to you. Feelings of helplessness and depression can arise and it can be very difficult to get rid of this melancholy if you are not careful. This is what you don’t want to happen. You have to be positive and hope that your situation can be reversed. Once you learn that 90% of relationships can be saved, you will be able to see more clearly again. With this stat in mind, you should now have the fight and determination to do something about it and figure out exactly how to get him back, even if he’s dating another girl. Take a listen and hopefully we’ll change your mood completely!

The first is the first. Try to control your emotions. You are probably feeling extremely jealous, angry, and confused right now that he was able to do this to you. Don’t let these feelings of anger and jealousy override your common sense, as this could be fatal to your chances of getting him back. Take a deep breath and focus on the positive in you and realize that you are still a worthwhile person. Even though your self-confidence has taken a huge hit, it’s not a reflection of you as a person and you have a lot to offer someone else, your ex thought this once too, right? He can do it again if you implement the correct techniques.

Don’t rush in and act on your anger or frustration; you will leave a trail of devastation behind you and end up feeling much worse about yourself and never want to face anyone again. You’d be surprised how good you start to feel about yourself when you know you can control your actions and be brave. When you feel that you are in control of every situation, you will have more respect for yourself and you will see that you can control your destiny. Not only this, these attributes are very attractive to the opposite sex. Think about it. Women who are self-respecting and in control are automatically intriguing to men. Most women are ruled by their emotions and this is a big turn off for men as they don’t know how to handle it. They don’t want to deal with a shaking wreck, how can they have any respect for that kind of woman? It will only push them further. I hope you are beginning to see that controlling your emotions is a good idea for multiple reasons. It can be the hardest thing to do and contradict everything you feel, but you know you can do it if it helps you in the long run!

With this in mind, you should not yell or yell at your ex or anyone else as it will end up coming back to him. Of course, this is nearly impossible when you’re feeling so low and hurt that your gut tells you to face it and make it right with him. Not only will you come off as ridiculous and immature, but he’ll see you as petty and vindictive, and this will ruin any future you’ve had together. Another crucial thing at this stage is not to sob or cry in front of him because of how much you miss him and want to get back together. Begging is a huge turn off and even if it makes him accept you out of guilt, the relationship will be based on pity and disrespect and will never have any kind of future.

The best advice I can give you is to always put yourself in your ex-boyfriend’s shoes. If the situation was reversed and he was trying to win you back, what behavior would drive you away from him? He tries to think about everything he does or plans to do objectively and this will be a good indicator of whether it is a good or bad idea.

Accept that the relationship is over for now and walk away. I know this will take a lot of guts on your part, but you MUST do it for the plan to work. What your ex needs right now is some space to continue his new relationship and meet the new girl. You can’t interfere here or try to make her look bad or convince him that she’s not the one for him. He needs to find this out for himself. Avoid him and his new girlfriend at all costs. Do not ask your friends questions about them, do not stalk them or walk past them randomly, hoping to scrutinize their body language. Use this time to heal and plan your next moves.

Now, this next tip is necessary for you to come out looking better than his new girlfriend and blow his mind! He will expect you to say negative things about his new girl and ask him probing questions, right? It’s part of the male ego to want to know that your ex still cares. However, you won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that you’re upset or fixated on his new relationship. You will not complain about him or her, you will not ask your friends questions about them, and you will not talk about them at all. This will hit his pride and dent his masculine ego and he will wonder why you don’t seem to care. Not only will this make him think of you again, but he’ll wonder if you ever loved him. If you ever run into him by accident or if he contacts you, try to be friendly but distant. Be supportive of his new relationship and wish him the best, even if he is gritted-toothed, he should be able to show his maturity here and you will immediately respect him more.

The next stage should be to slowly and gradually rebuild your confidence by becoming friends. Keep this friendship totally innocent and very soon he will begin to trust you and you will become his confidante. Whatever you do, don’t try to encourage him to leave his girlfriend; just be there for him by making sure that as soon as your new relationship hits a rough patch, you will be the one he turns to.

Now this step is extremely important if you want to have the best chance of getting your ex back. You should sit down and try to remember what you were like when she first fell in love with you. What did your ex fall in love with? Your appearance, your self-confidence, or your spontaneity perhaps? And more to the point; Do you still have these qualities? If you want to figure out how to become irresistible to him again, you’re going to have to work at it and make him realize that you still have these qualities in abundance.

Now you will know that getting him back is not impossible if you learn to use the right strategies and recover that passion and enthusiasm that both of you had for each other at the beginning of your relationship. However, these tips are not all you need and there is much more you need to understand about the male psyche in order to regain his trust and respect. However, it is a good start and will help you reconcile with him.

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