How to lower your set point and increase your metabolism using hypnosis and guided imagery

In a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, people successfully used imagery to increase their metabolism by up to 600 calories per day through the use of visualizations. Remember, your brain is the part of your body that regulates all of your bodily functions, including your heartbeat, breathing, digestion, and everything else! Through the use of visualizations, your brain can reprogram your body to become a fat-burning machine.

With each visualization, you improve the mechanisms within your body that regulate your metabolism. You imagine them running at full capacity. As your brain begins to imagine these mechanisms intensified, your metabolism increases. As your metabolism increases, you begin to lose weight effortlessly. You become one of those people who can eat and burn calories without doing much.

Your set point is the weight your body is naturally predetermined to be. Since you have no control over how tall you will be, or what your eye or hair color will be, you have no control over your set point, so it is difficult to change your weight. Some people do it through excessive dieting, but that can contribute to an eating disorder. Your body is biologically and genetically determined to weigh within a certain weight range. So after losing the weight, you will quickly gain it back. However, it is possible to lower your set point. When that happens, your appetite instantly decreases and your body maintains homeostasis of a lower weight.

This can be done through hypnosis, visualizations, and guided imagery. One of the best ways to do this is with the think & shrink hypnosis program. This program contains some guided visualizations to help people lower their set points and increase their metabolism. Check it out.

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