how to hypnotize myself

Have you ever thought: “I want to hypnotize myself”? Well, it is possible, but it will require a bit of practice on your part. There are different ways to do this, and different results depending on what your intentions are when you start. I am going to outline a sample session, which should help put you in a hypnotic state. Remember that you are always in control and you can get out of this state whenever you want.

1. Find a comfortable and private place and sit in any comfortable chair or sofa. Some people prefer to lie down; you are more likely to fall asleep when you are lying down than when you are sitting up. Whether you lie down or sit down, make sure you don’t cross your legs or any other part of your body. You may be in this position for a while and this could end up being uncomfortable. Make sure they won’t bother you.

2. You must first close your eyes and try to free your mind of any feelings of fear, stress or anxiety. When you start, you will find it difficult not to think. You may find that thoughts keep intruding. When this happens, don’t try to force the thoughts. Observe them impartially and then let them escape.

3. Acknowledge the tension in your body. Starting with your toes, imagine the tension slowly leaving your body and melting away. Imagine him releasing each part of the body one at a time starting with the toes and working his way up the entire body. As you continue to visualize each part of your body becoming lighter and lighter, relax each body part individually until every part, including your face and head, is completely relaxed and free of tension.

4. Take slow, deep breaths. As you exhale, imagine all the tension and negativity leaving your body as if a dark cloud were floating away from you. As you inhale, watch the cloud return as a brilliant light filled with life and energy.

5. Revel in the fact that you are now extremely relaxed. Imagine that you are at the top of a hill. On the hill there are granite steps that lead to the bottom. Imagine every detail of this scene from top to bottom. Tell yourself that you are going to walk down the hill, counting each step down, starting at 10. Picture each number in your mind. Imagine that each number you count is lower and one step closer to the bottom of the hill. After each number, you will feel yourself drifting further and further into deep relaxation. As you take each step, imagine the sensation of the step under your feet. Keep counting and going down until you reach the bottom. Once you reach the bottom, imagine that you are filled with happiness and joy.

6. At this point, think specifically about what change you want to invoke in yourself. Speak in the present tension. Your subconscious mind responds to positive and negative affirmations equally, so be sure to use positive thoughts when telling your subconscious mind what you want. “I am prosperous”, “I am healthy”, “I am living the life I was meant to live”, etc. Repeat your affirmations as many times as you want. The more you program your subconscious mind with positive affirmations, the more possibilities your subconscious mind will have. bringing them into your life.

7. When you feel you have fully called your affirmations into your subconscious mind, count up from 0 to 10, as you count, imagine yourself walking back up the hill. When you reach the number 10, you will slowly return to normal awareness and remain calm and relaxed. Give yourself a few moments before opening your eyes and take your time getting up.

Now, instead of saying “I want to hypnotize myself”, you can say “I hypnotized myself”.

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