How to get girls into bed – Control your facial expressions

Facial expressions are by far the most important non-verbal communication when you’re working on how to get girls into bed. However, it is probably the least understood and least covered. But think about this: when a girl talks to you, most of the time she looks at your face. They want to see if you’re joking, being sarcastic, being vulnerable and everything in between. Your face tells them what you really mean.

If your facial expression doesn’t match what you’re saying, it’s a sure recipe for a chill. This is something I have constantly witnessed in training camps. You’ll see guys going through all these new techniques they’ve learned, trying to be funny and flirty, and their faces are completely expressionless.

What you say must match your facial expression 100 percent of the time. There’s a great tool you can use to make sure your face is looking good, and it’s in every home: a mirror.

You can start working on your facial expressions right now. First of all, smile every time you get close. Not only that, keep that smile on your face at all times. Smiling shows that you are having a good time and that you are a happy person. When you don’t smile, girls figure you’re not having a good time. A blank stare is a sure way to send mixed signals about how you feel.

Your facial expression can also make things you say less important. For example, if you call a girl a runny nose and then roll your eyes, that eye roll will have all the impact. If you don’t do that, she might feel insulted. Smiles, eye rolls, and other facial expressions are the clue that you’re just kidding around and giving her a hard time. In fact, it shows that you are flirting.

Here’s another thing you can do: go to Wikipedia right now and search for “emotions.” You’ll find around 26 of them, including everything from surprise to anger. For the next week, spend 15 minutes three times a day making these faces in the mirror. Try to make a sad face, a vulnerable face, an angry face. This will help you understand how facial expressions work.

Remember that what your face tells a girl is what you really feel. If you’re standing there saying, “I’m having a great time,” but your face is blank and expressionless, it’s not going to work. Controlling your facial expressions is really important to get girls into bed.

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