How to close your pool for the winter

Having a place in your own garden where you can take a dip is great and to ensure this feature is kept in the best possible condition it is vital that when winter comes you ensure that the necessary maintenance is carried out on the garden. swimming pool.

You can contact pool companies for advice on how to go through this process or what chemicals are required, or you can hire an expert to do the job.

However, if you want to do the job yourself, there are a few things you should strive to do to ensure the job gets done right.

A good time to start closing the pool is when the regularly falling leaves begin to herald the arrival of fall. Once the temperature during the day drops to an average of between 16 and 21 degrees Celsius, it’s a good time to start considering taking out the winter cover.

It’s usually too cold this time of year to take a regular dip anyway, although you can choose to leave it until later if you wish.

However, many pool owners like to start work in early fall before too many leaves fall into the water. Any tree matter that falls into the pool should be removed, as it could otherwise increase algae buildup, meaning you’re more likely to be greeted by a swamp-like green vista when you remove the cover come spring. .

You can remove all the leaves with a net or a vacuum cleaner, which you can hire for the day from a specialist pool supplier.

Whether or not you drain the water from your pool before closing it is up to you and may depend on the liner you have.

If you have ceramic tiles around the surface line for decorative purposes, you may want to drain the water as the liquid could cause these to crack when cold.

Another reason to remove some of the water from the feature is to avoid clogging up all the pipes. However, many others prefer to let the water sit at a more even level, as this provides support from below when the cover is hit by rainwater and can help prevent sagging.

The most important step is to make sure the filter system is completely clean and drained. You need to make sure that all water and debris have been removed. It should have plugged the return jets and once you have cleaned the pump you can leave it somewhere to drain.

Once the jet, skimmer and drain pipes are vacuumed, you can plug any exposed holes and pipes to prevent water from entering if you have decided not to drain part of your pool.

The reason you need to be so careful with your pipes and filter system is that if water gets in during the winter, once temperatures reach freezing, it will turn to ice and expand, causing cracks and possibly a drain.

You should also take the time to check your filter before putting it away, as it may need to be replaced, something you might want to consult a drainage specialist about.

You will then need to apply chemicals if necessary, after removing any toys or inflatables left in the water. However, you may want to consider adding some large Styrofoam floats if your pool is vinyl lined, as this can help prevent the surface of the water from freezing and causing damage.

Don’t forget to remove any trampolines or slides before placing the cover firmly over the hole to make sure it’s fully protected.

It is important that it is kept taut as this can prevent the material from sagging, which may mean it needs to be replaced sooner than it was designed.

Even though your pool is now winterized, it could still present a hazard, especially if an unsupervised child or pet can get under the cover and get trapped, so make sure they’re watched at all times when they’re around.

Now that your pool is prepared for the cold snap, you can continue with essential maintenance of your garden to keep your entire outdoor space looking its best come spring.

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