How much energy does an average company in the UK consume?

Looking at average energy usage in the UK can give you an indication of where your business falls on the average gas and electricity usage scale, helping you to compare your energy usage and cost with other businesses in the UK United.

Of course, your average power consumption depends on a number of variables, including:

– Electrical appliances and machinery used – intensity and duration
– The time of day, week and year.
– The size of your business.
– The nature of your business and the relative amount of energy required to operate it

For the purposes of this commercial energy consumption comparison, we will break down average commercial energy consumption by business size:

– Microphone
– Little

Having an idea of ​​how much energy companies of a similar size spend on electricity helps your company identify if it is using too much energy, or if you are being charged too much for it!

FYI: When comparing UK energy tariffs to the rest of Europe, the UK falls somewhere in the middle.

Average electricity consumption

Relative to size, these are the estimated average business electricity consumption figures for organizations in the UK:

– Micro: 5,000 – 15,000 kWh per year, with an average annual electricity cost of £1,349
– Small: 15,000 – 30,000 kWh per year, with an average annual electricity cost of £2,566
– Medium: 30,000 – 50,000 kWh per year, with an average annual electricity cost of £4,208

average gasoline consumption

Relative to size, these are the estimated average business electricity consumption figures for organizations in the UK:

– Micro: 5,000 – 15,000 kWh per year, with an average annual gas bill of £516
– Small: 15,000 – 30,000 kWh per year, with an average annual gas bill of £965
– Medium: 30,000 – 50,000 kWh per year, with an average annual gas bill of £1,502

So how do your business energy consumption and prices compare?

You can use your electric bills to compare your own energy costs with previous national averages. It is useful to look at both the consumption (kWh per year) and the annual cost (GBP value per year). This will help you identify if you might be using too much or paying too much.

Once you have this knowledge… the next question is: How do you reduce your company’s average energy consumption and bills?

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