Homeowner’s Insurance – What is Emergency Assistance Insurance?

When it comes to an emergency and you need a window or furnace repaired, homeowners can be out of pocket before they know it. The good news is that most companies now carry a type of insurance called emergency assistance coverage.

This is great for the owner, but not so great for the paying company.

Are my central heating parts covered?

If you purchase this coverage, all pipes and the boiler system will be covered by the policy. It comes at a price, but it’s worth the money you pay for it. Your central heating system is one of the most important and expensive parts of your property, so why not protect it?

You can pay this every month, which makes payments better for you.

What about my windows and glass?

If you come across a broken window or broken side window, you can make a claim on your insurance. If it’s one in the morning and your alarm wakes you up from a break-in attempt, the insurance companies will rush to help you.

Glass replacement is very expensive and some glass installers may rip you off if you need an emergency repair.

What happens if I lose my keys, what do I do?

If you or your tenant lose your front or back door keys, a locksmith is needed and this can be anytime, day or night. Then what do you do? Well, you can pay for a locksmith out of pocket or you can call the insurance company if you have emergency assistance insurance.

When can I use the insurance?

The very good advantage for homeowners is the fact that they can use this policy anytime they need it. It’s called emergency assistance coverage and for good reason, it saves homeowners a lot of hassle getting out of bed and dealing with the situation.

What is the cost of this cover?

Nothing compared to what it provides to landlords, just try paying for emergency calls yourself, you’ll be surprised at the charges. In some cases you may be charged £400 for a lock and set of keys to replace.

Other merchants charge around £45 per call and up to £30 per hour for labor charges. Plumbers and carpenters are very expensive to pay for after hours if you don’t have insurance to cover it.

Insurance always pays off in the end when it comes to homeowners and rental properties.

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