Home Remedies For Yeast Infection – Cure For Both Men And Women

Before deciding on a yeast infection treatment, you should be sure that the symptoms you experienced are caused by Candida albicans. When you see the beginning of thrushYour first impulse may be to go to the nearest drug store for oral medications, creams, and ointments. However, you should know that home remedies are just as effective in curing mild to severe infections. These are cheaper with minimal risks of side effects.

Natural yogurt

Plain yogurt is by far the most popular and proven yeast infection remedy for men and women. Good bacteria in yogurt, called acidophilus, controls and eliminates the excessive growth of fungi in the body. You can consume this as part of your diet or apply it topically on a regular basis for yeast infection treatment.

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has very effective antifungal components that destroy Candida albicans, the fungi responsible for candidiasis. This can be rubbed on all the affected areas on a regular basis. One thing to keep in mind is that diluted tea tree oil is the only type that can be used as an effective treatment. Pregnant women should also refrain from using this home remedy. Studies show that there are properties of tea tree oil that can be harmful to the baby.


Garlic is a very popular natural remedy against various types of ailments and infections. Due to its antifungal components, it is very effective in the treatment of Candidadiasis, both in men and women. Garlic can be eaten or used as a topical medication. Women can use this as a suppository to cure vaginal Candida infection.


Apple cider and white vinegar are very effective remedies against candidiasis. Vinegar has unique components that control the growth of Candida albicans and eliminate fungus in the process. This can be mixed with water for treatment.


Buttermilk is similar to yogurt when it comes to treating yeast infection. It is meant by beneficial bacteria that help fight the overgrowth of yeast in the body. Buttermilk, just like yogurt, can be applied topically to affected areas. It can also be added to the diet to help fight infection.

Boric acid

Studies show that boric acid effectively eliminates fungal infections. It is even very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. Boric acid should never be taken orally. Rather, cotton can be dipped into the mixture and then used as a suppository. It can also be applied topically to the affected areas.

Pregnant women should also avoid this home remedy, children too. Its direct application in the genital areas is not recommended. For safe use, seek the advice and guidance of your doctor.


Calendula is available as an ointment or cream. This component provides a very calming effect against Candida infections. This can be applied directly to the genitals. However, the use is not suitable for candidiasis.

Cranberry juice

Constantly drinking cranberry juice (without sugar) effectively clears the urinary tract and keeps it healthy at the same time. There are also cranberry pills available as a natural cure.

Other home remedies

Herbal douche, apple cider vinegar, and gentian violets are also some of the natural home remedies that you can use.

Candidiasis is easy to eliminate, even with the simple use of natural remedies. One important thing to remember is to limit or avoid your intake of sugary items. Minimize the use of tight clothing, synthetic underwear, and pantyhose. Opt for baggy clothing instead. Cotton clothing is highly recommended. Observe proper hygiene and maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet. The latter is extremely important in the eradication of this disease. However, if symptoms persist, seek medical help immediately.

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