Health Warning Signs and How We Age – Adult Health & Fitness

In infancy and childhood, we can be quite accurate in predicting physical growth and development at different ages and stages. But as we age, there is no uniform schedule. Chronological age is not necessarily a good indicator of how a person will look, feel, or function in the world. Studies of Werner Syndrome, the disease of premature aging, may provide insight into the genetic process of normal aging. Werner syndrome creates many diseases and symptoms that typically occur as people age, including: graying hair, skin changes, cataracts, diabetes, vascular disease, osteoporosis, and even cancer.

theories of aging

o Theories of programmed aging are based on the assumption that senescence, or old age, sets in when a predetermined finite number of cell divisions or heartbeats have occurred.

o The somatic mutation theory suggests that chromosomal changes occur from genetic and DNA coding errors, translation errors, hydrolysis, irradiation, and spontaneous replication errors.

o The error catastrophe theory blames faulty enzymes for disrupting cell function and, in fact, causing errors in the translation of genetic codes for protein synthesis.

o The free radical theory suggests that the oxidation of lipids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as environmental toxins, cause the formation of oxygen compounds with an extra charge of electrons, known as “free radical”.

o The cross-link theory states that cross-links (which are produced in proteins, DNA, and lipids by exposure to environmental and dietary compounds) actually change the characteristics of the tissues of the body’s organs, such as the collagen and elastin, which then become less flexible and less resistant. elastic, resulting in great changes in the skin, the walls of the arteries, the musculoskeletal system and the lens of the eye.

o Cybernetic theory suggests that the central nervous system accelerates aging due to changes in the endocrine system and hypothalamus, affecting the rate of production of thyroid hormone, adrenal cortical steroid, and hormone associated with Parkinson’s disease, the dopamine

o Long-term and cross-sectional studies do not support any theory suggesting a “normal” or “general” rate of aging in humans. Studies of identical twins have shown large discrepancies in life spans. Interestingly, however, there appear to be large differences in the rates of aging between men and women.

Although aging is inevitable, the way we look, feel and cope as we age is not. Aging affects each of us at a different rate and in different ways. Even within the same individual, each organ and organ system ages differently, influenced by genetics, environment, lifestyle, attitudes, social networks, spiritual connections, and overall health and wellness. With the right mix of lifestyle ingredients, we can be truly vigorous, healthy, alive and vibrant at any age.

The 12 Health Warning Signs

In the spring of 2003, a local newsletter for the School Health Staff published an article by Karen Armitage, District Health Office II, in which she created the following (paraphrased) list of 12 health warning signs.

1. Persistence of a support network.
2. Chronic positive expectations, tendency to frame events constructively.
3. Episodic maximum experiences.
4. Evidence of increasing spiritual growth.
5. Increased awareness of the present moment.
6. Tendency to adapt to changing conditions.
7. Quick response and recovery when challenged.
8. Increased appetite for physical activity.
9. Tendency to identify and communicate feelings.
10. Repeated episodes of gratitude and joy.
11. Obligation to contribute to society.
12. Persistent sense of humor.

one final warning

If five or more of these indicators are present, you may be at risk for complete health.

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