Guide to effective video marketing

Video marketing is a popular marketing strategy. If a company is smart, they will take advantage of it. However, not all are successful. Little do they know that there are ways to start your video marketing campaign successfully, even as a new company. Here are some of them:

The video should be catchy

Difficult, right? Especially if your topic can be quite boring or technical like SEO (honestly). You can’t expect to recycle the same content and get high commitments every time. Your viewers are going to get tired of you. Try to show the topic from a different perspective, in such a way that it is interesting for your target audience. You can connect the stories that you want to hear from, such as a popular TV series or movie. It’s important to be creative when it comes to marketing strategies, especially with content.

The video should be short and concise (if possible)

Truth be told, in this generation today, people have such a short attention span. No one will stick around to watch a ten minute video that doesn’t interest them. Yes, it can be a challenge to put all that technical information together in a one to three minute video, but it is possible! If your goal is to convert, a 30 second clip is sufficient. Just set a clear message and make sure you get it across to your viewers.

There should be a call to action

It’s all fun and games with videos, but never forget why you created the video: to deliver results. Imagine a video without calls to action. Your target audience may have watched your video to the end, but they won’t do anything because they are lost. They won’t know what to do or where to go if you don’t lead them. This will lead to a significant loss of potential conversions. A simple “Visit or Website” or “Subscribe Now” can make a difference in your video marketing campaign.

Publish on multiple platforms

Don’t waste the effort you put into creating a video, especially if it has a high production value, by only publishing it on one platform. If your business has accounts on multiple platforms, be sure to post to all of them. When deemed necessary, you can modify the video to fit that specific platform or if you have a different target audience for a different platform. If you are on a budget, using paid advertising for your video will greatly increase your visibility.

Make use of the data

Whenever you post a video or any content, always pay attention to the analytics. It is the only way to know if your strategy was effective or not. It will walk you through what you can do next to generate better results and what to avoid to save time, effort and money.

Ready to start your own video campaign today? Just follow these tips and it will work without a hitch! With this and your video marketing solutions team guiding you every step of the way, you can achieve your business goals in no time.

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