Freedom of the Mind and Intelligence of the Soul

Attention, distraction and true freedom

We are endowed by our Creator with freedom of mind. Our mind creates our reality. As a whole, humanity has lost its ability to see the connection to aspects of consciousness, primarily thoughts and feelings, and the experiences and circumstances of our lives. Through Divine Grace and intervention, we are now reawakening to our true creative powers.

This is an opportunity to reassess our lives and our world and to change anything that does not resonate with our true selves. We can end the suffering. We can end poverty and debt. We can put an end to illusions and experiences of lack. We can experience optimal health.

Humanity as a whole and each of us individually experiences cognitive dissonance, or stress, when we are not aligned with our true mind power.

By becoming aware of our inherent freedom from the mind, how to claim it, and how to harness its creative powers, we can free ourselves to create and experience our lives and world in accordance with our heart’s true desires. We can experience abundance and fullness. We can harness the power of our soul, know the truth, and consciously direct our minds. We can discover our individual gifts and give meaning and purpose to our lives using the creative freedom that is our birthright. This is the Universal Order and it will bring peace and harmony to our planet.

Through social conditioning, our values ​​and consciousness have been skewed. Our minds have been like ping pong balls, bouncing here and there, directed and redirected through external forces. We have not withheld the awareness of the power of our minds and hearts. We have trusted our individual sovereignty. We have become distracted from a purposeful life. We have developed the belief that life happens to us and not through us. We have evolved into victim consciousness.

Time to claim freedom of mind

The first principle to understand when claiming freedom of mind is the conscious direction of attention. Normally, we direct our attention outward most of the time. Unless we regularly meditate or contemplate, our consciousness is observing outer reality. We need to spend a regular period of time directing our attention inward to access the power of our soul, our true self. Taking advantage of our inner wisdom we apprehend the truth. We become empowered by our essential nature of spirit. We receive guidance and direction for our lives and discover our individual gifts and our reason for being.

What we put our attention on is where our energy goes. It also programs our memory. By becoming aware of what we are doing with our attention and the impact it has on our lives, we can be inspired to make some beneficial changes.

Social conditioning has occurred by design. If we can be disappointed in giving up our mental freedom, then others can control us. They can usurp our personal power, and they can greedily accumulate the world’s wealth of resources through selfish motives and deceitful strategies. It has been going on for a long time. Technologies are being used in harmful ways that destroy, rather than sustain, life on our planet. There is a lot to bring to our awareness here in order for us to get through it. We can learn to succeed with true values ​​and using our greatest internal technologies.

There has been intentional programming of our subconscious minds through commercials containing subliminal messages and symbols. There has been a programming of values ​​by making us believe that our being and our value is determined by what we have. Our perceptions are manipulated to serve the few instead of the greater good of all. Awakening to the truth about these issues will help to impress the importance of the changes we must make in order to once again be empowered by mental freedom.

Geoengineering, HAARP, the push for pharmaceutical drugs, media manipulation through narratives, climate warfare, biological warfare, radiation and EMF waves from cell phone technologies that are meant to harm or destroy us are not they have power over us if we master our own minds and vibrations. The frequencies of love are scientifically proven to provide better health and well-being. Tune in to the frequencies of the Earth by getting out into nature. Understand the Schumann Resonance Factor for your health and well-being. Your mind will respond. Your body will become healthy.


Distraction is a method of capturing attention and energy. Have you ever had a goal or something you wanted to achieve and then got distracted? What did you do to eliminate distractions to achieve your goal? Have you ever “fixed” yourself on doing something and then you did it?

Imagine removing all distractions and focusing your attention on your intended results. Practice setting some intentions and then focus your attention on achieving them, using your mind (attention), heart (feelings of passion) and body (physical action) to achieve your goal. Inside you will feel the intrinsic value (joy, happiness, peace) of being aligned with your True Self.

Conscience is not a matter of ignoring the truth. It simply places the negative effects of what has been created in the peripheral vision of the mind, moving towards the causal nature of the mind and total consciousness, to create something better. No, conscience is powerful. We simply cannot dwell on the things that are negative without having in mind what we are going to replace them with. We are becoming conscious creators.

true freedom

We can experience true freedom by tuning in to our inner core, to our soul through our heart with inner attention. This attunement is a calibration of consciousness. It connects us with the intelligence of the inner genius. It is where we know that we are the essence of love. Infinite, undivided, complete.

It is time for humanity to collectively regain control of our own minds and be free. The suffering cannot continue. Oppressive forces cannot stay hidden and try to control our minds for us.

Individually we must make the choice and the effort to regain control of our mind. We can do this through directing conscious attention, removing distractions, and focusing our attention on the solutions provided through soul intelligence.

Let’s master our minds and be free!

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