Exercises and Workouts: Quick Tips to Improve Your Triceps Training

If you are someone hoping to build bigger arms, adding more definition and even size to this area of ​​your body, you need to understand how to properly train your arms to be successful. One thing you need to be aware of is the fact that the majority of your arm is made up of the triceps muscle, so if you’re looking to gain size, it’s this muscle that you need to focus on.

Many people put much of their attention on the biceps muscle. There’s nothing wrong with building great-looking biceps, but it’s the triceps muscle that shines in helping your arms look better toned.

What can you do to get the most out of your triceps workouts? Here are some quick tips to keep in mind…

1. Keep your elbows stationary. Always remember to keep your elbows close to your body. Your elbows should never move while performing the exercises. If they do, this essentially means that you are letting momentum kick in and take over the movement pattern.

Elbow movement should be avoided. Instead, focus on keeping your elbows tucked in to your sides when doing a rope press down (or any other downward press) or stationary in place if doing overhead extensions.

If you do reverse kicks, once again they will be placed directly on both sides of your body.

2. Feel the squeeze at the top of the movement. Then, as you go through each exercise, you’ll want to focus on feeling the squeeze at the top of each movement. This additional muscular contraction will help to fatigue the muscle fibers, bringing you to the point of total exhaustion and resulting in better muscle development.

How do you know if you are experiencing the squeeze? Look in the mirror. See how the muscle flexes? If so, you are tightening very well. A short pause at the top of the movement can also help you take advantage of this squeeze.

3. Remember that heavier is not always better. Finally, remember when it comes to triceps training, more weight is not necessarily better. Often it is better to use a lighter weight but focus on the movement pattern itself and the mind-muscle connection.

Since the triceps is not a large muscle, you are never going to lift a large amount of weight. Attempting to do so will only alter your form and will most likely lead to no results.

Keep these simple tips in mind as you train your triceps. When worked out correctly, you can see remarkable developments in this muscle.

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