Eat fruit and feel fit like a violin

Feeling tired? Lethargic? In bad shape?

Many of us don’t think twice about our health until we lose it. But if you feel down and out of energy, take a look at your diet.

If it’s true that you are what you eat, then it makes sense to give your body the kinds of foods that will nourish and sustain it. And when it comes to nutrition, there is nothing better than fruit.

Here are ten daily fruits that will help restore your energy and balance your system:

1. Apples: a rich source of vitamin C and a natural pain reliever. Great to fight migraine.

2. Avocado: full of vitamin E and monounsaturated fat to lower cholesterol. Contains lutein that protects the eyes and glutathione that prevents mouth cancer.

3. Blueberries: One of the Superfoods, packed with antioxidants that scavenge cancer-causing free radicals. Also a brilliant memory booster.

4. Blueberries – more than a Christmas dish. Rich in antioxidants to reduce the risk of cystitis and a natural barrier to prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth.

5. Grapes: Another fighter against free radicals, also useful for fighting heart disease.

6. Kiwi: contains vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and copper. Cures constipation, lowers cholesterol and fights cancer.

7. Plums: good for regulating bowel movements but also packed with antioxidants.

8. Raspberries: An excellent source of vitamin C and fiber, famous for preventing breast and cervical cancer.

9. Strawberries: rich in folic acid and therefore recommended for future mothers. Rich in vitamin C and can reduce the effects of benzopyrene found in tobacco.

And finally…

10. Watermelon: Full of lycopene and nature’s elixir; Water. Good for dehydration and a good hangover cure.

Get your energy back. Eat fruit and prosper. It’s cheap, plentiful, and it works!

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