Drawing Web Design Inspiration from Other Cultures

As anyone who works in the web design industry will tell you, finding fresh, new inspiration can be a challenge. However, one of the best sources of new inspiration can be found by exploring other cultures that may be almost foreign to you. This will allow you, as a designer, to extract fascinating and beautiful elements that even people who live as part of that culture are unaware of. This article takes a closer look at some of the cultures you might be looking to for inspiration:

  • Germany – In terms of design and style, the work carried out in Germany is quite similar to that of neighboring countries, such as Switzerland. There’s a heavy emphasis on typography, especially traditional country fonts (think Old Gothic styles).
  • Italy – It can be said that Italy has similar web design principles to other European countries like Germany, except that it has a more artistic and informal touch. There is much more freedom in the work done by Italian designers, who also favor abstract movement.
  • Japan – Web design work in this country is known for mixing its historical culture with modern principles, which is a very innovative move that other countries have not yet done well. Mixing different eras and styles of art can create a very attractive and powerful effect.
  • India – India has recently moved towards modernism, but their web design work (like that of Japan) immediately developed a focus on blending their traditional art forms with more modern ideas. Many Indian works include intricate patterns that are very beautiful.
  • Australia – When it comes to design work done by Australians, it is clear that there is a strong emphasis on nature: the country is full of vast inland landscapes and beautiful coral reefs where inspiration is ripe for the picking.
  • Africa – Much of African design can be considered the opposite of modernism: these people adopt the traditional work of their ancestors and continue to use the same methods today. Like Australian art, there is a strong emphasis on the nature and wildlife of the continent (which differs from country to country).

There are many other cultures that are full of inspiration for anyone working in the fields of art, graphic design, or web design. Why not look at specific African countries (like Egypt) or the work that has come out of North and South America? You could even explore cultures that have become extinct over time, like the Mayans, to see how they might influence your design work. Inspiration is everywhere, all you have to do is look for it.

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