Do you continually attract the wrong relationships?

Do you continue to attract the wrong relationship?

The universe responds exactly to our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, even if we are not aware of what we are sending. There is no special wand that some people wave over their heads to give them what we think we deserve and never get. The universe doesn’t work that way. It brings us exactly what we think we deserve.

It is very possible that we have a clear idea of ​​what or who we want. We can have a vibrant emotion of what it feels like to have that. We may also have some kind of knowing that all of this will come true for us. So why don’t we see the results that have been promised?

Let’s look at this from the point of changing clothes every day. We can change our clothes (the outside world) every day and appear in our lives in any way we choose. When we change our outer world, our clothes, we only change the mask we wear and how we show to society. This will help us to some extent to manifest what we want in our lives. But the real work is in changing our underwear. Yes, I did. Changing our underwear will change our lives and create the energy that will bring into our lives what we have been looking for. Our underwear in this case represents our thoughts, our beliefs and our emotions. The dirty, deep things we hide inside.

It’s all very well to change your outer thoughts, we all have to start somewhere. It’s called faking it ’til you make it. Works. It works as long as you continue to the heart of the matter. When an uncomfortable thought, belief, or emotion arises, we can’t just dress it up in new clothes. We have to look at it, we have to feel it, we have to listen to it, we have to heal it, and we have to let it go. This is the process of changing your underwear. Changing your inner world. It is that inner world that sends your truth to the outer world. You are drawing your truth. Have you been continually missing your mark?

Did it become uncomfortable to sit with your inner world as you went through the process? Has there ever been something that came up that you’d like to disguise rather than fully address? If so, that little shortcut is what’s keeping you from attracting exactly what you want. If you fear abandonment but dress it up in fancy clothes, you will still attract abandonment simply because you are still vibrating at that fearful level within. Befriend that inner abandonment, love that aspect of you, learn where it came from, allow it to be there, that is the process of changing your underwear. It is not an easy job, in fact very often it is very emotional. Sometimes we need help to get through this. Although asking for help makes us vulnerable, it can often speed healing. Having someone to support and guide us through healing is very helpful. Whether you choose to take this step on your own or seek help, the work has to be done. Once you take this step, you will immediately begin to attract exactly what you want.

Choose the wardrobe that suits your lifestyle, just make sure the underwear matches the outfit. Once everything matches, you will become the magnet of all your desires. You will be surrounded by people who love you, because you fully love yourself.

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