Deliver us from evil

One day, as I was sitting quietly at my computer in the loft of our cabin in the woods,
I heard a soft, almost undetectable “hum” sound.


Over and over it was. There were no other sounds in the house like my wife
I was at work in the city.


Gradually, I realized how close that sound was to me. Slowly I turned
I turned my head and looked towards the air vent on the floor where the sound was coming from.
from. Unbelievably, there was a snake, about 3 feet long, pulling itself
through the tiny slits in the ventilation… and I’m on the second floor! most bugs
he was already out of the wind, his long body gliding in the shadows along the
the socket by the time I got to it. I started moving things like the snake
ran across the ground. Finally, the snake flung itself over the edge of the attic.
and on a coat rack below.



I went through almost every item of clothing until I finally found her, curled up like a
cinnamon roll in one of my jacket pockets. Needless to say, I took the
jacket, heavy with its reptilian bum, outside and tossed it away.

In other words, I “cast him out” of my house.

My point is that there was something in my house that day; something that is not
belong there. She entered through an opening… a very small opening. Where
It’s about demonic spirits in our lives, that’s a really great analogy.


People are fascinated with the subject of exorcism. Whether it’s movies like
“The Exorcist” or shows like PrimeTime, Dateline and 20/20, people “want to

In the summer of 2006, CBS gave a pilot commitment to an exorcism-
Themed Drama From “Joan of Arcadia” Creator Barbara Hall and Producer Joe
Roth. The Project, from CBS Paramount Network Television and studio-
based on Joe Roth Television, is inspired by Bob’s real life experiences
Larson, an expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena. In 2005,
The Exorcism of Emily Rose was released, a film about the true story of
an exorcism in Germany. MSNBC Investigates Exorcism: Tom Brown
Ministries and the History Channel’s “Hell: The Devil’s Domain” also have
done shows on exorcisms (Pastor Tom Brown, charismatic church in El Paso,
Texas) where an actual exorcism was recorded and the film played on the show
(SEE: Google the topic and
you will see that, more and more, God is using the world to expose reality
of the devil


Unfortunately, however, and almost unbelievably, more than half of the pastors in the United States do not
failing to acknowledge the existence of literal demons. jesus christ certainly
believed in Satan and referred to him as the ruler, or Prince, of this world,
John 14:30. Of course, he also referred to him as a liar, the father of lies and
a murderer, John 8:44. In Revelation 12:9, he is called the deceiver of the
everyone. In 2 Corinthians 4:4, he is called the god, or king, of all this
world. John 10:10 says that he came to kill, steal and destroy.

That doesn’t sound like a maternal “symbol” of evil to me. I believe in satan
The biggest deception is that it has caused multitudes to NOT believe it exists.

I have ministered deliverance many, many times over the past 13 years.
I have seen all kinds of demonstrations, from a Christian woman who
hoisted like a cat in a charismatic church to a reeling Baptist minister
like a cobra and screamed in a deep voice: “I hate you! I hate this church!
I hate him and I hate her!” Strange voices have spoken to me coming from
of kind and gentle Christian men and women. I have smelled
brimstone during ministry sessions and I’ve had a teenage witch scream,
“It will burn me!” when I opened my Bible before her in a Methodist church.
I’ve seen bite marks with saliva around it and I’ve seen people lose their
ability to open their mouths until I commanded the devil to loosen their tongues.

Scary stuff? Only the first time. After that, it just makes me mad that these
demons are tormenting God’s people. I ALSO get angry that so many
ministers are not interested in learning how to minister to their congregations,
many of whom are demon bound in this way. What side are you on?
anyway? While speaking at a local cafe several years ago, a pretty college girl
student interrupted my teaching on spiritual warfare and said, “Excuse me, but
when is my pastor going to move to tell me all this?” It seems that,
whenever people attend services, look good and smell good, say ‘amen’ at the
right time and learn to headline, in most cases the average preacher is quite


For those who think this is a Pentecostal thing, it is not. It’s a Christian thing.

Are we going to settle for the status quo? Are we going to allow ourselves and
our people to be trained? Are we motivated by compassion to see people
freed from demonic oppression? Shall we seek deliverance for our
THEMSELVES before going out and ending up naked and bleeding like the Seven
Children of Sceva?

Pray about it. Do what God wants you to do. I have written a series that
be happy to pass on to anyone who is interested. Could help. read it and
please feel free to ask questions. Also, there are all kinds of
information on this subject available on the web for anyone who wants.

“These signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will cast out
demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their
hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will do them no harm; they are going to
Lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18).

Remember, Jesus feels his disciples to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, to
cast out demons, heal the sick (Matthew 10:1,8, Luke 9:1, 10:9, 17-18,
Mark 16:17-18, John 1412-13). He made a great and almost unbelievable promise:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that
Yeah; and greater than he shall he do” (Jn.14: 12).

You better BELIEVE it! You, as a Christian, are empowered by the Holy
Spirit, and as a result, they can also cast out demons.

The disciples, men like us, did what Jesus did. The Book of Acts is full of
prodigies and miracles… of “actions” (that is why it is called “Facts”), not only
words; first Peter and John (Acts 4, 5:12-17, 9:33, 40, 12:5-9) then Stephen (6:8),
Philip (8:6-8), Paul (9, 14:8-20, 16:16,25-26, 19:11-12, 28:9). The Book of Acts
It is STILL being written today… and WE are on it!


Jesus did not say: “I have come that they may have MEETINGS, and that
have MEETINGS galore.” NO! He said he came so that
could have LIFE in abundance. For some of us, that means kicking some
the devil’s ass out of our lives, the same way we would chase anyone else
unwanted bug in our home.

By the way, a few nights ago, while I was quietly working on my computer,
I heard some paper rusting nearby.

A little mouse!


He too is gone. On two occasions, before my very eyes, I have witnessed frogs
making its way under the door of my house.

Oh desert!

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