Creative 6-month anniversary card ideas

Is a 6 month anniversary coming up? In every new relationship, it’s great to celebrate the little milestones. A wonderful way to recognize the six-month milestone is to create a handmade “Happy Six-Month Anniversary” card!

With so many other anniversaries dwarfing a six-month anniversary, how will you come up with some creative six-month anniversary card ideas? Consider what makes your relationship unique and fun, and start from there!

Since the relationship is relatively new and still very exciting, making a handmade 6-month anniversary card could be a great, low-key way to tell your partner that you are excited about the relationship and are looking forward to other milestones to come.

Here are some 6 month happy anniversary card ideas you can use:

* Commemorate your first date.

Did you go to a restaurant or a bar? If you’re in the neighborhood, grab a takeout or a roller coaster. You can embed the logo or name of the restaurant on the front of the card and write something fun like “Where it all started …” or “In the beginning, there was Mel’s Diner.” Or something equally charming.

* Write your official date on the front of a card.

Did they meet officially on an exact date? How about you get out some rubber stamps or print that special date with some cool fonts from your computer? Or look in some old magazines and spell “ransom note.”

* Rock it old school with initials inside a heart.

Do you remember to engrave your initials and the initials of your crush on a tree during summer camp? Consider catching up on the trend with your 6-month anniversary card! You can use a glitter dark glue pen, print your initials with a plus symbol and then your partner’s initials, and then draw a big heart around it. This would look really cute on a simple square card.

* Six floating butterfly hearts.

Six is ​​the magic number. Consider cutting six hearts out of red construction paper, folding them in half, and sticking them with sturdy glue to the front of a card. In this way, the heart halves are folded (to mimic a flying butterfly).

Then take some black pipe cleaners to make the body of the butterfly and glue them in the middle of the heart. Take a black marker to make small curly antennae for each of the butterflies. Consider making the heart butterflies all uniform (three at the top, three at the bottom of a horizontal card) or randomly place the butterflies across the entire front of the card. Also, you can make hearts of all kinds of colors; don’t feel limited to red, maybe a rainbow of butterflies is more your style.

* Six of anything special.

Okay, if heart butterflies aren’t your thing. Consider what simple shapes you can add to the front of a 6-month anniversary card that could represent your relationship. Are you both addicted to caffeine? How about six little cups of coffee? Do you love going to the beach? How about six little starfish or a school of six colorful fish?

6 month happy anniversary card ideas don’t have to be insanely intricate, they just have to come from the heart. Yes, it is a special milestone and making a simple, straightforward card by hand is a great way to recognize it.

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