Control weight gain during pregnancy

This article does not promote the HCG diet. This article is just to inform expectant mothers about the natural production of the HCG hormone that is produced by the placenta. The HCG hormone is the natural way to protect both the mother and the baby. This hormone works overtime for both of you. This hormone is the perfect genius when it comes to supporting mom and baby. This hormone has five main functions: 1.) HCG feeds the baby when mom can’t or won’t eat; 2.) draws water from mom’s body to provide amniotic fluid; 3.) claims the mother’s pre-pregnancy weight minus the baby’s weight if she is on a whole foods diet; 4.) Provides natural weight loss for the mother after childbirth; 5.) Ensures loose skin contraction after delivery.

Many pregnant moms experience morning sickness. No matter what they try, they can’t stop food and liquid from coming back. Most don’t realize that the HCG hormone is busy drawing water from your body to make amniotic fluid for the baby. They are dehydrated and do not know it. They don’t realize that they need to drink for two.

Most moms-to-be eat for two and drink for one when they really need to eat for one and drink for two, especially if mom has extra energy. The extra feed that is not used is stored as weight gain. HCG will draw energy from the fat cells to feed the baby in case the mother does not eat enough. Nature ensures that the baby will get what she needs regardless of whether mom has something left over.

After giving birth, many moms worry about getting back into their pre-pregnancy clothes. Don’t worry, HCG to the rescue. It is important to eat a whole food diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole meats and limited grains. HCG during and after birth works just like an HCG diet for women who are not pregnant to reduce loose skin and burn extra stored energy.

Simple carbohydrates like sugar, honey, breads, pastas, white rice, sodas, tortillas, and high-sugar fruits are guaranteed to gain weight. Boxed dead prepared foods that are full of salt, sugar, and preservatives also cause weight gain, as this disrupts natural hormones.

Moms who really want to lose weight have the perfect opportunity during pregnancy. Eating whole foods low in natural sugar and eliminating junk food during pregnancy returns the body to better health. The baby will get what she needs, the mom gets what she needs, and HCG creates a balance that provides both.

HCG remains in the mother’s body for several months after delivery, shrinking the skin as the mother continues to use up any possible stored energy. As long as mom continues on a whole food diet of complex carbohydrates, whole grain proteins, and portion control, the HCG hormone will do her work for you. It is much more powerful than any diet pill.

However, the downside of HCG is the fact that a junk food diet high in simple carbohydrates, sugar, and dead foods will actually lead to weight gain. Many moms blame pregnancy on weight gain when it’s really their food and drink choices.

So, if the goal is to trim down and lose weight, take advantage of pregnancy and let nature do its work for you, just watch what goes into your mouth.

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