Christmas holiday party ideas

Let’s all try something new and exciting this holiday season. I recently helped a couple in Florida who wanted to do something out of the ordinary this year for the holidays. I suggested a Christmas party in the neighborhood.

Of course, this would only work if you live in an area where the weather is nice in December. If you are lucky enough to have this great weather and you don’t dream of a white Christmas, let me give you some tips and ideas.

First, you’d come up with some really nice Christmas invitations to send out to your neighbors and friends. You have to remember that a lot of people are busy during this time of year, so I suggest you do it at the beginning of December. Give some dates and let the masses decide when it will be.

Second, you want all participating households to know that they need to plan their home décor, festively, based on religion. You have to try to accommodate everyone.

Next, I hired a DJ to play Christmas and party music. I’d take a pony ride and organize some games for the night. You can find many ideas at

Someone needs to dress up as Santa and hand out gifts. I would have all the parents in the participating houses get something for their children and give it to whoever Santa is. You don’t want to leave anyone out, so when setting a family budget, be sure to set aside some money to buy some cheap toys to give away in case parents give a gift.

Any other idea. Bring the Christmas tree to the driveway. Wait

50/50 raffle (you can get tickets at Host a cake eating contest, just get creative.

For more basic block party ideas, visit []

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