Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Twin Flames: A Subset of All Souls

There is a specific energy that flows between Twin Flames. It is extraordinary and rare. The frequency that travels between them is distinguished by vibration, clarity and intensity. Twin Flame’s Read more

Crystal healing and bruxism

Bruxism is a medical term used to describe clenching and grinding of the teeth. It affects both adults and children. There is no definitive answer about the causes of bruxism. Read more

Shabbat with food allergies

The Jewish Sabbath, “Shabbat”, is a spiritually uplifting and beautiful day filled with festive foods. Many of the traditional Shabbat foods like challah, kugels, and gefilte fish are loaded with Read more

Rock climbing and my four year old

Since having my son four years ago, the number of days I’ve spent climbing each year has dropped dramatically, from over 100 days at one point to zero. Climbing has Read more