Cars and trucks don’t always mix

Truckers often complain about four-wheelers. That’s you and me in our personal cars. Truck accidents were reduced in 2004 by the number of miles traveled per accident. However, they increased slightly, as 11% more trucks are on the road because the economy recovered and more products had to be delivered to the consumer, who is also us.

This is a huge problem of cars mixing with truck traffic and has been studied to death. Probably due to the deaths, which can result. I can tell you that you have driven about 500,000 miles around the country in a 72 foot Indy Car truck and trailer than when you are on the open road and you spread the car and truck speeds too far apart for example trucks drive 55 and cars They drive 70 you are asking for an accident to happen. There are many places in this country where speed differentials are like this. What happens is that the cars try to pass in bad times, they adjust to the trucks and end up causing an accident.

Did you know that there are more traffic fatalities going up hills than going down hills? Why? Due to the severe speed differential, slow vehicles such as trucks and fast vehicles trying to overtake or adjust and fit between cars moving in faster lanes, many of these accidents are rear-end collisions or partial rear-end collisions. These are among some of the most serious accidents. Trucking is also very proactive in its safety innovations; due to the insurance costs discussed above. A new warning system will soon be installed on trucks to warn them of an imminent rollover risk. The coin will be activated by a transponder on the road or on road service vehicles. The 15,000 truck rollovers per year may be reduced by more than 45%. One thing we must realize is that when we set rules to aid safety, we must not slow down the flow of traffic or transportation. They should solve both problems, improve flow and improve security.

Recently, in the last five years, many state DOTs have sponsored the Safe Trucking “No Zone” campaign to alert four-wheelers in cars, minivans, and SUVs that trucks have blind spots just like cars do. than much larger. This media campaign is said to have reduced the number of deaths on our roads by 6,000 per year, simply by waking people up to driving around trucks. Think about it.

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