Can a yeast infection make you nauseous?

Yeast infection is also known as candidiasis. This type of yeast infection is caused by a fungus or bacteria found in the human body, mainly on the skin, mouth, genitals, and armpits. Many may wonder, can a yeast infection make you nauseous? The answer is yes, not only can it make you nauseous, but it can also irritate and depress you. Therefore, it is a good idea to know about this infection in detail.

Common telltale signs of yeast infection

We all know that too much of anything is bad. Same is the case with yeast infection. We all have Candida in our bodies as they help in various processes in the body. However, these microbes are regulated by various mechanisms and other probiotics that reside in our body. There are many bacteria and other fauna that inhibit the growth of Candida in our body. Sometimes, due to an imbalance or disease, these bacteria cannot control the growth of Candida and the Candida microbes reach the nature of disease-causing organisms. As a result, they grow at a rapid rate and begin to attack the various centers of the body in an attempt to take control. Candida has many strains and types and can infect young and old alike. An uncontrolled yeast infection can have serious repercussions.

Causes of yeast infection

There are many causes and catalysts for candidiasis in the human body. These are some of the causes:

o Antibiotics are one of the main culprits in this process. Antibiotics destroy disease-causing bacteria in the body. However, many times they can also kill the probiotic bacteria that are responsible for controlling the growth of Candida. As a result, Candida becomes rampant and a yeast infection occurs.

o Weak Immune System: Many people have weak immune systems at one time or another due to various factors like illness etc. Therefore, they are more for such microbes.

o Cancer and diabetes: Diseases such as cancer and diabetes can also be responsible for candidiasis. Since the body’s immunity is already low in such diseases and strong antibiotics are taken, Candida uses this opportunity to infect the body.

o Birth control and pregnancy: Yeast infections infect more women than men since their vagina has a smaller passageway. Also, conditions like pregnancy, where the body is already out of balance due to various hormonal surges, etc., are ideal for yeast infections. Diaphragms and birth control pills also act as catalysts in yeast infections.

Yeast infection signs

There are many ways a yeast infection manifests itself. Classic symptoms include itching and a burning sensation in the genitals, particularly when urinating. Yeast infections can make you nauseous and this is also one of the main symptoms experienced by many. In more complicated cases there may also be fever, irregular menstruation. Sometimes the symptoms of candidiasis are so similar to those of pregnancy that women get confused. Therefore, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Cures and Treatments

There are many treatments available for candidiasis. There are a large number of allopathic medicines available, but alternative medicines are preferred by people and doctors as they have no side effects. One of the most popular cures is sugar-free yogurt that can be applied to the affected area.

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