Bowflex Treadclimber Vs Treadmill – Which Is Right For You?

The Bowflex Treadclimber is a very popular twist on the traditional treadmill. Instead of a main belt, it uses two dual pedals that rise to meet your feet as you walk.

The main benefit of the Treadclimber is that it burns calories up to 3 times faster than walking on a flat treadmill. So you see weight loss results very fast.

However, treadmills also give you some unique benefits over the Treadclimber.

So which one is better for you? Here are some of the main differences you should be aware of to help you decide:

#1 Burn calories

The Treadclimber uses the power of walking up a steep incline to burn calories up to 3 times faster than walking on a flat incline treadmill.

Incline walking uses the larger leg muscles more, which in turn requires many more calories. So you burn more calories per workout and lose pounds faster.

This is obviously a huge plus as it can be inspiring to see results in the mirror so quickly.

#2 Less impact on the Treadclimber

Because the pedals rise to meet your feet, the Treadclimber gives you a lower-impact workout than a treadmill. If you’re prone to shin splints or running injuries, this is another benefit the Treadclimber gives you over the treadmill.

#3 Walk or run?

The Treadclimber was only designed to be walked on by you. It is not designed for racers as the top speed limit is capped at around 4.5 MPH.

You don’t need to run to lose weight fast with a Treadclimber. However, if you like to run, you’ll obviously want to use a treadmill instead of a Treadclimber here.

Treadmills, for example, will have speed limits of 0-10 MPH or more, so you have plenty of room to run!

#4 Size matters

Traditional treadmills have a more rectangular footprint and can take up more space than a Treadclimber, which has a squarer footprint.

On the other hand, many treadmills today fold up quite easily to save space.

If you have a small training area, you can opt for a Treadclimber or a folding treadmill.

#5 Training programs and heart rate monitors

This is one area where you can usually find a treadmill that dwarfs the Treadclimber. For example, most treadmills come with several built-in workouts that control the speed/incline for you and give you a workout challenge.

They also come with a grip heart rate sensor or even a wireless monitor option.

The only Treadclimber model that comes with built-in workouts and a heart rate monitor is the premium TC20 model. The other two models do not include any training programs or heart rate monitoring.

Here are some of the main differences between a Bowflex Treadclimber and a treadmill. Regardless of what you decide, you have great options in any category.

The main thing is to choose a machine that suits your lifestyle, budget, and fitness goals, and of course, find something that makes you excited to use it! Good luck and have fun!

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