Blueberries may help fight leukemia and lung and colon cancer cells

When we find a natural product and we know that it has benefits in different ways, we should stick with that product and make it an important and regular part of our lives. I’m talking about the mighty blueberry. We can think of it only in terms of a sauce that we serve on Thanksgiving. Or maybe we’ve seen cranberry juice on the fruit shelves of our supermarket. But the fresh cranberry, the little cranberry, has a wonderful and powerful impact on our good health.

A great aspect in the world of cancer is the amount of scientific research that is carried out to prevent and cure the disease. Fresh fruits and vegetables have long been known to help our bodies in various ways and the humble blueberry has been studied in detail. An exciting discovery is that compounds found in blueberries are capable of both slowing the growth of cancer cells and even killing them. This is brilliant news. The findings are particularly relevant to colon and lung cancers, as well as leukemia. But breast and liver cancer cells were also challenged by these blueberry compounds.

And while this article and site are about preventing and fighting cancer, understand that cranberries have many additional health benefits as well. Blueberries are packed with antioxidants that fight oxidation in our bodies. And the goodness of blueberries is also a big plus for our heart health. There is a lot of vitamin C in blueberries and they are generally voted almost the best food we can eat for our health. There is even evidence that blueberries increase our supply of good cholesterol. So if you want to lower your risk of cancer or fight cancer cells already in your body, blueberries seem like an ideal food. The fact that your heart and overall health benefit adds to the value of the humble blueberry.

But the good news doesn’t stop there. In addition to preventing and fighting cancer cells and doing great things for our hearts, cranberries have compounds that tests have shown can help prevent urinary tract infections and can prevent the spread of herpes in the human body. Finally, cranberries are believed to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, reduce prostate gland infection, and even help teeth by restricting bacteria that stick to tooth enamel. Is blueberry a superfood or what?

To make things even better, it is a delicious tasting fruit, available all year round, can be served in sweet or savory dishes, is consumed as a delicious beverage, and is relatively cheap and easy to obtain. There are a number of recipes that include blueberries.

It is very important that we all be proactive with our health. You can reduce your risk of cancer and fight cancer cells by making sure your diet is well balanced and healthy and contains plenty of blueberries. Fresh is best, but taking this fruit in any way on any day has to be beneficial.

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