Be healthy and happy with a wonderful world of herbal tea

If you are familiar with the term ’tisana’ which means herbal tea, it refers to the infusion of various types of herbs and spices in hot water. Protects body cells and tissues, including organs, through a wide range of natural products. Egypt and China used these concoctions in the old days for excellent health benefits. Be alert, hydrated and active to meet worldly challenges with the glorious herbal stuff.

Choose from a wide variety of natural herbal medicines

Some items on the herb list may seem strange and unfamiliar, but there is no reason to panic. Cures are hopefully on the way for many common symptoms.

A root familiar to all, ginger promotes healing and helps relieve pain. Ginger increases circulation and dilates blood vessels.

Feeling depressed may require Nettle, a British herb, with its glorious mineral content. Nettle supplies iron to blood cells that provide energy. Silica and calcium energize hair, teeth, and bones.

If sleep problems occur, Chamomile is indicated with its small golden buds. The amino acid tryptophan provides peace of mind.

Dandelion herb root cares for the liver and treats high blood pressure. Authorities believe it helps treat arthritis and gout in addition to helping fight chronic inflammation. Dandelion cleanses and eliminates toxic substances.

The cold in the chest requires the healing properties of Mediterranean Thyme. The volatile oils protect the plant against virus attacks and these benefits come to us through the infusion.

Lemon Balm, scientifically Melissa Officinalis, effectively treats anxiety. Headaches and palpitations require such treatment.

Turmeric, in addition to being a highly prized spice in Asian cultures, has been a medical boon for 4,000 years. Turmeric is credited with promoting a healthy liver. One expert believes that it aids digestion, relieves cramps, regulates menstruation, and dissolves gallstones.

Peppermint does much more than freshen breath. Digestion and flatulence are helped in addition to nausea. Herpes and pains are controlled. Peppermint helps asthma and cough and reduces stress.

A lemongrass plant is the source of cooking oil as well as a beneficial tea. The component called Citral – a fragrant liquid helps in digestion.

The flowers of the Lavender plant, purple, pink and white, have great medicinal properties. The tea relieves cough and bronchitis, it also regulates fever. It can heal sores, cuts and ulcers.

The surprising health benefits of herbal tea

Perhaps some people wouldn’t consider herbal teas sensational enough with their caffeine and drug-free components. As gentle as a flower, herbs bring many cures. Very fashionable healthy drinks, they are comparatively cheap and native to many exotic countries. Whether it’s depression or a cold, digestion problems or a cough, various cures can be found among nature’s treasure trove of herbs and spices that have been consumed since time immemorial.

Get the right recipe

Build tissues and hormones with the right herbal teas. Avoid additions of essential oils or flavors. Get good quality tea bags or loose tea and steep it in hot water for 10-15 minutes to extract the properties. Even in the absence of medical conditions, herbal tea infusions would bring an aura of health and goodness. Go for the real thing and avoid fakes, preferably buy something organic which is so popular nowadays.

Hawthorn promotes cardiovascular health, reduces stress on the heart and improves blood circulation.

Rosehips high in vitamin C build immunity and skin health in addition to stimulating adrenal tissues and functions.

The milk thistle herb cleanses the liver and improves its function. By producing bile, the digestive system gets a boost.

Echinacea contains antioxidants that help support immunity. Colds are suppressed and inflammation and pains cured.

Cinnamon is extremely healthy and helps fight viruses and maintain blood sugar levels, even better when combined with honey.

Hibiscus flower is also rich in vitamin C and lowers blood pressure. It boosts immunity and lowers cholesterol, and antioxidants protect against free radicals.

Make wise decisions. Invest in the powerful world of herbal tea. Buy a few favorite strains as family health tonics and witness a brilliant change of spirit and natural vigour.

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